Message from @powerpuff boy
Discord ID: 463869191645298700
no its litterally a fucking fact
You can trace nearly every problem the west has now to the reformation, which birthed enlightenment thought, which then evolved into both marxism and the epic democratic liberalism we got now
@Deleted User Nothing is new under the sun
Was Communism a gift from God to Eastern Europe or the work of Satan?
God works in mysterious ways, as they say. I couldn't say for sure if it was overall good or bad. I think it was evil, but good can come from pain.
We'll see in another few decades if it was worth it.
Eastern Europe is much more Christian then we are today. They had many martyrs under communism, and it was hard to be Christian. Perhaps more souls went to heaven under communism then capitalism
maybe communism was divine chastisement
But really, if you look in the Bible, there are a lot of stories of groups getting persecuted only to have a golden age afterwards.
that's what Augustine said of the sack of Rome
guys take it outside of chrsitian posting
I was raised as a heeb but have rejected it, is catholicism the way to go?
Catholicism is always the way to go
begome cadolig
fregin heretic
@Joe the boomer We have the most beautiful mass in all of Christendom!
alot of retards in the comments
i noticed haha
the reference to peter as rock in John does not proceed a confession
so that polemic is shit
@leopirate Does man have the right to sin?
@Scooter2000 God gave man the gift of freewill. Man condemns himself with sin.
I'm working on a video series that showcases the fruits of sin:
@leopirate Does man have the right to sin?
No, man does not have the moral or legal entitlement to transgress God's law.
@leopirate Then man does not have any right whatsoever to freedom of his conscience
The capability to sin is ever present, meaning freedom of conscience does exist.
Being able to do something does not mean you have a right to it. Man has no right to Blasphemy for example.