Discord ID: 271032534094184458
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Hahaha great server pic
Get on voice
Get on voice guys
Get on Anti Fascist voice niggas
get on voice
Uaiรณ, ma ca famm cu st'amracรก, ci lasciu na cutiddata mรณ
Ci pigg'a foc'a casa, brucio tutto mรณ
Aaa sto ricchiun รจ razzist
uaio ci cutedd'a mammt
sti razzist, t'ammazz u nonnt
I hope at least one commie dies
"Felled with a single punch"
Whoever wrote that should be writing high fantasy
Class conscousness? You mean lack thereof?
The whole point of commies is their lack of understanding the different classes of men
They think we're all equal
But it's pretty damn correlated
Someone born with a high IQ will get out of the ghetto, as it happens all the time
You think you're the most qualified to be president out of 300+ million people? That's pretty arrogant
Ok, I never know when you commies are kidding or not
I've been surprised with much more ridiculous shit being said seriously
I apologize then eyebrow
That's hilarious
I'm honestly left leaning politically, only in a white ethnostate
In a multiracial cesspit I 'm far right
Then you're a degenerate RFZ
The current family status quo is trannie lesbians having negroid children
That's just the way it is
YOu're chinese?
Italy and Mexico
It's true
it's uma delรญcia
You're such a hipster
it's the other way around
I am
Top of the class in hipster anthropology
LOL what the fuck what is all that white shit
Dude low birthrates is not the problem
Replacing whites with lesser races is the problem
Look at Japan, they're doing fine
Okay, I just got here
Guys, what happened to the AltRight discord server?
I've been busy
can someone give me a rundown?
Chris Cantwell's channel is also down?
TRS is down?? Oh my fucking god
What now???
Are we really marked as a terror group??????
Still. Fuck
@RCO Nick-TX So what now, blackpill?
Of course not btw, it's rhetorical
I'm not surprised, I'm just entering a pit of of violent depression
@RCO Nick-TX They're literally forcing us into a pressure pot
@RCO Nick-TX You're right
Also I hope /pol/ get's permanently taken down as well. Then we might see some accelerated evolution take place
Commies need to be killed
All of them, asap
@Firefly#9983 Are you a gay?
No I'm a straight man
Are you a gay?
Are you a female or trans?
Why do you have gay thighs you fucking gay
You're either straight, or an animal
Wrong? Gays contribute nothing
Gays have ridiculous rates of AIDS
And well so
Good riddance
Like who??
Name one gay that contributed
Name one
Okay you can't name any
Point proven
Now fuck off and die
You can't prove your point
Burden of proof is on you, you degenerate abortion of a human
That's not even how you spell it you fucking mongo
It's you
Yeah okay, time to die faggot
You have to die though
Not a fag at all
You, however admitted to being a gay
Gays are literally not human
You'll get the gas
Sure, you'll get the gas boy
359 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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