Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 482356691871072267
Being semi J woke and listening to a Dennis Prager speech made me mad to my core.
@Freki G.-TX Charlie Kirk is smashing the fuck out of Candace and everyone knows this
Nah CK has a smokin hot blonde gf
So did plenty of Southern Gentlemen in the 1800's
Pardon my ignorance, but what is milquetoast conservative?
Oosh. Lmao if thats the case Dinesh better call Charlie Kirk a Liberal.
Candace Owens used to be all against internet trolls and bullys online. She had a website startup that would try to tie peoples online identities with their real identities
IK shes talked about it on Info Wars before, but she always seems to play it off as if it wasn't a big deal.
Let me put it like this: Candace Owens expresses Conservative Inc opinions in ways that manage to be as exciting as vanilla ice cream
She's popular purely because she is black
I see
Yes okay
I love Vanilla though...
think Roaming Millenial, but minus the HAPA
And hot
Ice cream that is
What about Jesse Lee Peterson?
He should be the kang of Wakanda
Maybe she can get some blacks on the way to proper nationalism at least..
JLP is a solid 'meh'. He's just a guy that wants bleqs to have bleq families
I don't mind having more black conservatives.
I also don't really pay attention to normiecons any more
Jesse Lee I think is trying to come up with evolian transcendent leadership but just expresses as christcuck "love"
Low IQ Bleck Evola I love it
I quite like Christianity
here is why I disagree with most black conservatives: they are liberals, they echo the liberal talking points, and they do nothing to change the status quo.
liberal in this case being 'classical liberal'
Don't mind there votes though.
Yeah, masculine Christianity nationalism=good
They 6 or 7 black conservative voters we can et.
Oh okay lol
Based blacks are just leftists blacks that say that instead of wypipo keeping them down, it's the dems
TL note: dems = white people
Larry elders not wypipo keep me down
The people keeping them down look white sometimes . . .
In any event: I'm sick and tired of the establishment shills
They repeat the same stock talking points and come up with newer mental gymnastics moves to stay out of the danger zone of realization
Maybe the next DR3 book will at least be a bit creative. Maybe something like The Protocols of The Learned Elders of the DemoKKKratic Party