Message from @Wotan Klan-GA
Discord ID: 483808149074345984
Oh you meant that n word
... sorry
"nitro" is verbotten?
Strategy games are harder to cuck
oh, THAT n word...i was thinking of a totally different n word. <:teehee:381917632359563264>
Please dont
Combing through tweets about Chemnitz has thoroughly made my night
I'd be okay with that portrayal
rise up Germany!
>yfw the diversity of uniforms in the Great Wars won't ever be displayed because game developers are lazy moneygrubbers
just because
it's a bad feel
@Wotan Klan-GA what's this?
an albino gorilla
Son, are you shitposting again?
Some drunk homeless dude held up a Roman salute and heads are rolling about it still
Wolfenstein got those uniforms down real Gud.
I used to play 3D
... eh
I loved it
original Wolfenstein ftw
original CoD
back when _health packs_ were a thing
Gamers rise up
Level 9 was peak
CoD2 was also pretty great
I like this "rise up" meme
It’s applicable to a lot of things.
the original Doom had me like 😳 when i saw it at a friends house.
add it to your memetic collection, Frei
any man without a meme collection is no man worth having
Rise up SAL
Whyte pipo rise up
tfw not a mod so @here doesn't work. :-p