Message from @NITRODUBS
Discord ID: 484123803342077953
Once the government takes down the other statues to browns, maybe.
GFBol Gang 😎
Nah. That actually sounds kinda degenerate...
Don’t let the government hand gf distribution. They can’t even handle the BMV
So, what, we should privatize it, so we end up with a GF Google...? 😩
Let's not pretend they wouldn't base gf distribution on some sort of "affirmative action" policy
No same race relationships allowed
You’re lucky if you both even know the same language
State-mandated coal burning and oil drilling... 😑
"According to your tax bracket and unemployment status De'Quan, you're actually entitled to *three* girl friends. Just fill out this form in triplicate"
"Girl friend reform is a sorely neglected area of public policy. Redistribution should be focused on historically under privileged areas." - Congressman Wieselgoldensteinburg
Really, when you think about it, (monogamous) marriage was the original Sherman Antitrust Act 🤓
Divorce rate now days is appalling. How can we expect white people to have more children when many enter marriage with the idea that they get a do-over once they get bored?
This latest generation seems to be doing better...
The divorce rate is exaggerated
It’s not 50%, it’s about 30%
I suppose that's a lot better than I thought
They use those stats to scare people haha
Lol, I was scared. Probably inflated if a minority of people are serial divorcees
My grandparents have been married 75 years. 96 and 94.
Sorry just wanted to post this pic of my bird he looks really cute
And my grandparents have been married 50 years I think
Wow, that's awesome.
Probably a dumb question, but when should I talk to my younger sister about this sort of stuff? She's going into seventh grade this year and is really intelligent for her age.
I guess my worry is that I'll be off at grad school the next couple years and she'll be dating a non-euro by the time I get back.
It's highly unlikely of course, but I just worry
By age 46, among those ever married 44.8% are divorced (at least once). Biggest bummer is that for racial categories whites are classified by what we're not, "non-black, non-Hispanic," thus lumping us in with jews, Arabs, Asians, etc.
That is for boomers, obviously, so roughly half of gen X and millennials grew up in broken homes
My main question with that one ^ is how do they define "partners"? Is serial monogamy equated with a one-night stand? Because I'll bet outcomes vary depending on factors like that.
Imo serial monogamy is literally practice for divorce and thus the most dangerous romantic pattern to watch for.
I assume that whether it be monogamous, or Polyamorous, each contributing member would be one partner
I mean, either way it's degenerate to have more than one partner in general, and the goal should always be marriage 👍
Yea most of us fall short of that unfortunately. Even the good girls and guys are usually around 3 or 4 by the time they get married through dating alone.
I wish I had known this stuff as a kid to be honest
Person A enters marriage having had one sexual partner but 6 monogamous romantic relationships lasting 6 months or more each
Person B enters marriage with 6 sexual partners, one of whom was a monogamous relationship the rest of which were one one-night-stand per year for five years
One has practiced breaking up 6 times, the other only once. Different outcomes are almost guaranteed, no?
That’s interesting
There are at least 3 surveys done that show the more sexual partners the more likely the marriage is to fail, and the graph I have defines a stable marriage as only being together 5 years, which isn't long at all
So the serial dater is more likely to divorce than someone who has a bunch of hookups?
@William Russell that's my hypothesis, yes