Message from @Freiheit - CA
Discord ID: 484394397996285962
I can't remember what Simon Roche said as far as numbers, but the loses will be catastrophic for whites (only like 20% survival I think it was).
The Whites that are still in SA have managed to get some effective security in place. Therefore the lower rate of murder. But the Black anger about the Whites has only grown.
@Sam Anderson That's another valid point. Private security outnumbers the army more than 5:1.
@Asatru Artist - MD Yeah, as interesting and prescient as some of Van Rensburg's predictions were, I have to take 'em with a massive grain of salt. Not sure what the numbers would actually be.
@Sam Anderson The fact that the whites in SA have to live behind electric fences and change their routes home from school/work every day should tell them something...
That doesn't sound like a way I would want to live my life.
The fact that private security outnumbers the army 5:1 should tell them something as well.
They are basically prisoners in the country.
Which is why they need to establish their own state. There's rarely, if ever, been a time when Whites weren't outnumbered by their enemies. They just need power and security. Once there are little or no internal threats, external ones will be a secondary concern.
I agree but the political viability of that is dubious at best. Perhaps showing that Whites can be some kind of victim group could allow part of our narrative to be pushed more mainstream by allowing explicitly White refugees.
Hell, if you look at what 350,00 Jews pulled off in Palestine in '47-'49 against over a hundred million Muslims (who ore more intelligent than Bantus), I think they could well pull it off.
I've heard this said before by others, and it's something that I've long thought myself, but if we have to remove them from Africa, then they'd better keep the boats running, because blacks aren't staying here.
We're not going to have ethnonationalism for Africans in Africa, and civic nationalism for Whites everywhere. They don't get to have it both ways.
I was listening to the Krytpo Report and Azzmador had a guy on their doing a report/infomercial for the D.S.B.C . He basically described everything that we are doing except replace the I/E brand with D.S.B.C. The fact that everyone now is copying/imitating our methods is a validation that I/E is sitting on the top of the hierarchy of IRL organizations .
@V.Balboa - PA DSBC?
Daily Stormer Book Club.
Yes @Deleted User
Got it. Thx
I would Love to see Alex Jones have Patrick on his show 😃
I have a normie right-leaning friend who got woke by accidentally discovering synthwave
Same @V.Balboa - PA
Everyone who's anyone that matters has been on AJ
Yeah, all the org's are going to emulate IE's MO, but they'll always have a dash of sperg to them (not that that's bad)
DSBC and PF will always do the skull face mask type of stuff is what I mean..
can someone give me a quick rundown on PF? are they more the 1.0 type, or what?
I assume we’re talking about Patriot Front
Used to be Vanguard America, then the James Fields incident happened
They're about a 1.7 on the scale, lol
Their discipline wavers, sometimes they do good things, sometimes they bring unnecessary heat upon themselves
I thought Fields was LotS, shows what I know.
Rememeber: AIPAC is ghey
When fields went to UTR 1, the then Vanguard gave him a shield, etc
So it tainted VA and they had to become PF
gotta keep the kosher sandwich together nnnguy
AIPAC is the hornet's nest
I'd say Wasp's nest, but they hate WASPs