Message from @Fox
Discord ID: 484812899504750613
It has little gangsters who grew up in $500,000 dollar houses all over the place
I heard stories like that ALL the time @Deleted User Rich black kids going to prison for life.
(Obvi excluding Baltimore city since it’s not a county or in a county)
So actually more murders than all other Maryland counties combined I think
They have to wear uniforms in PG public schools because of the gangstaism
So they all see who can have the most expensive shoes. My friends nephew got his sneakers taken from a nice gentleman at school.
Geez, it seems there is something about those two counties that have the massive murder rates. 🤔 The lower murder rate county is vastly Hispanic and the higher murder rate is mostly black. All those other super lower murder rate counties are vastly white in comparison.
Strange how that works.
Wait... I’m so late. That Madden shooter was a chosen?
@Deleted User Yupp, a Chosenite
Well isn’t that something.
Yeah, (((Katz))). (echoes appropriate here mods)
Funny how facts are
I wonder how many other mass shooters were "white"?
Damn NPR is being based.
National Public Rifle Association
Its reasonable to think that tons of fake threats made to the school were counted, incidents of kids bringing airsoft guns to school, and then kids getting caught with real guns for gangbanger reasons.
NPR is National Policy Radio
Make sure if you’re in a swing district this November you’re voting and getting anyone else out there.
Nationalist Populist Ramblings
🇩🇪 <:chad:359013583469805568>
Never Practicing Reality
Perceiving also works
So Germany has awoken? I saw that there were very popular gatherings against a citizen being killed by an immigrant.
Is Germany the first Western nation to wake up?
I'd say America already did that... Hence, Trump
unless you don't consider them "western" since they were under commies for a while
But Germany will be the first European country to wake up if they keep going
Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic...none of them take migrants (exactly for this reason).
But major power in the West in Europe? Probably.
Yeah, they never woke up, they've always been based. Same with Poland
Waking up again.
They did just reelect Merkels party recently though. <:sad:366743316475281408>