Message from @Bjorn - MD
Discord ID: 484923689901621268
they were talking about bringing in 1 million outsiders recently
the 20 year plan or some crap
like...just encourage your own damned people to breed.
no reason to bring in sand people or Africans to suck off the taxpayers.
I don't think the Irish are having that to be frank, although, Scotland I'm not so sure about, it's been rocky for them since the SNP have had power
The Irish have a gay Pakistani PM so...
oh good, the Irish have already handed power over to mixed race Pakis.
I'm sure its all downhill from here.
The British Isles follow the cultural lead of America. We got a backlash after Obama, so it could happen there too
Or nationalism could take over Continental Europe and then cross the Channel. Unfortunately, I suspect it will take a recession to break the UK's 2 party system
i think the only thing that saves the UK is a depression and the brown people lose all their free gibs.
stop giving them money and resources and they'll leave.
the moment whites treat browns equally, they'll leave because they don't like rule of law
right now they treat them with kid gloves and they take advantage of it
the darker our countries become, the less rights whites have.
> mfw you can learn Klingon but not Icelandic 😒
Blackpilling and negativity are the death of any political movement. 1.0 was all doom and gloom, especially in the 2000's and look how far that got them.
We don't know what the future holds, but given the state of the establishment our future looks bright.
Even if we become a minority in our . nations, we will still exist as the plularity and the strongest group economically.
We still have time to set up a political movement the right way.
My boyfriend put an app into IE!
NazBol Tuck:
Check out @MarkDice’s Tweet:
Always remember guy's ask not what I/E can do for you but what you can do for I/E
@V.Balboa - PA what’s going on in PA these days?
Liked your Trump rally pics!
nothing much The political scene is real busy Mike pence was here a few weeks ago and don Jr is coming to town
yeah it was a great time
I got tickets to the event were Donald Trump Jr will be at
Is he just going to do lines of coke and recite lines from Wall Street? 😂
lol maybe 😃
but i do think he has a speech writer
The Bibi Declaration
6 Days War is a good example. The Israelites got their Holy City back
Watched the Trump rally tonight. Crowd roared when he mentioned Israel. Blaaaack pillll
I saw a lot of Christians for Israel groups when I was there. What about your homeland (most were southerners)