Message from @Salo Saloson
Discord ID: 485445821635231754
Neilina Armstrong
Neilina Armstrongstein
Neilinx Bergblattsteinowitz
>Trump's cut funding to a UN aid agency that supports Palestinian refugees
I feel like every UN meeting is just the American Roast
Ironic given how we basically make the UN mean anything
Really the UN is just the soft end of American foreign policy
America: the worst country in the world, but still give us all your money
@Salo Saloson Awesome. More money for muh IDF, amarite?
More like more money for Raytheon, Northop-Grumman, and Lockheed-Martin
Gotta pay for them vacations somehow make weapons for the IDF <:sad:366743316475281408>
And plenty of other people we don't care about
American arms are marketed world-wide, baby
It's like we've become that one arms dealer from MGS 4
Yeah, I know, but the difference is, at least everyone else *pays* for them, rather than looking upon them as a tribute from a colony.
"You want an AR-15? I gotcha covered. Tanks? Got 'em. Planes? How many you want? Missiles? Bombs? Mines? I got a special, blow-out sale price for bulk purchases."
At least the Israelis insist on using their own guns
They only take from us what they don't yet have the economies of scale to produce themselves.
Well if America goes under, Israel goes with it too
Silver linings and all that
Looks like AltHype's trying to change the conversation:
On Snapchat, liberal propagandizing machine to the youth, :
“Shocking number of millenials think homosexuality is damaging to society”
What's a "shocking number?"
Huh. Well, technically, it's the normalization of homosexuality that's made it intolerable, rather than the phenomenon itself, though I know I may be stepping on the toes of the "throw 'em in a bog" crowd, but given his obvious conflict of interest, his opinions on the matter should be taken with a big grain of salt...
Really hope their shocking number is like 70%... that would be nice
To me, homosexuality is like a fetish, if you want to practice it, do it entirely behind closed doors.
Agreed. It is unambiguously damaging, whatever the scale...
Now this reminds me of something I heard of a couple days ago. A 9 year old boy killed himself after being bullied for coming out. Now, this is sad of course ... but what I’m wondering is.. how did he know he was gay? Gayness is entirely sexual, there is no biological motive to being a homosexual, so how did this little boy know he liked gay sex, penis, etc? Even when I was a 9 year old girl that was never a thought that crossed my mind. Who was introducing sexuality to this child?
It just seems to be a perennial thing, so the question is how to remove it from the everyday conscuousness of normal people without being unsustainably draconian about it...
And of course, he was the son of two adoptive lesbian mothers. When we will learn that children will never prosper underneath gay families?
@NITRODUBS "To me, homosexuality is like a fetish, if you want to practice it, do it entirely behind closed doors." This, declaring your homosexuality is literally declaring your fetish, it's really not appropriate for public. (Of course, fetishes are degenerate to begin with.)
I know it’s degenerate, but as long as humans exist there will be some sort of degeneracy.
@NITRODUBS I'm not scientifically literate enough to know for sure, but there does seem to be a lot of anecdotal evidence for a biological component, and rarely, a predisposition, but in most cases, it does seem to be something into which people are socialized, often by abuse.
I studied this quite a bit, and this is the best way I can simplify it. There is no gayness without illness. Gayness is almost always paired with schizophrenia, depression, or some severe anxiety. Humans main purpose is to reproduce, and not wanting that is on par with not wanting to eat, sleep, or simply wanting to die in general. And it’s shown that there is very small biological correlations with genetics and gayness, but the only evidence that proves this is the same evidence that shows mental illness also has a connections with genetics. You are not BORN gay, gayness is triggered. Just like depression or anxiety is triggered, maybe by trauma, bad exercise or diet, gayness a lot of the time is triggered by child sexual stimulation.
@ThisIsChris Agreed. People feel entirely too free too speak explicitly about sex in public. We need to expand the scope of public decency laws, so that people reembrace the art of the euphemism.