Message from @Mons
Discord ID: 343986882046328844
@Chudd77 its the jews m8
And by the Discount Santa, all children were given coal. "Celebrate my children, for on this non-religious state holiday, you shall all receive the same gift because you are all equal. Now get back to work!"
I'm sure they were given xoal because "MUH PRODUCTION"
I don't have met flashers on
The jq is simple to me
What does Stanley Kubrick have to do with the Jewish conspiracy tbh
I don't care whether you're jewish or not, all non irish cunts should be deported from my country
Let them be jews somewhere else
They had 2,000 years to assimilate, they didn;t
America being a propositional nation has its own issues
I see
The only thing stanley kubrick is guilty of is the moon landing
moon landing theories aren't in the same caliber, it lacks the history, confessions, etc
But let me explain here
You see, Stanley Kubrick destroyed all of the sets and equipment for his movie. 2001: A Space Odyssey and that he denies any involvement with faking the landing at all, though you can say that the government did force him to keep his mouth shut. You'd also have to consider the fact that they could not keep BIll Clinton's infidelity inside the house.
@Mons *ACTHUALLY* Man has never launched anything into space.
How is that?
tfw our descendants will have flat Mars theories
the final redpill before you leave the to the 5th dimension is that the earth is concave
the earth is a triangle
earth is a Roblox game
The earth is a social construct
the universe is a social construct
Implying atoms aren't gendered
The sun is a deadly lazer
wait, are the atoms that make your dick male then?
but really, the earth is actually just someones desk decoration, we are sitting ontop of someones world of warcraft pc
We live in the eye of a blue eyed giant
we were just created to create power for someones car
our world is a battery
woke niggas are flat