Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 492886527471386645
Time to be serious.
lol yeah
Alrighty, fam, going to go play board games with the waifu
have fun. and if it's a two player game, share which one
@Flint lawberg. That’s a good one.
Got something from the baby registry and now amazon thinks im having a kid lol
bottom row is some good stuff
I see Uncle Jared in your suggestions. 👌🏻
you know, a fun game to play with someone is epicmafia online. i haven't played it in a long time but it'd be fun to get an IE game going sometime.
Yeah i have to limit myself to only buying new books after I finish my latest. My list has most of these in it if i dont have them. EpicMafia ooks fun, similar to town of salem I imagine.
Yeah it's based on a card game
@Droek I often wonder if Amazon will use our personal book choices against us someday, somehow.
@Deleted User China is already planning it with Alibaba and their "social credit" thing. Sounds like it will eventually lower your credit score based on what you buy or what your friends scores are
So this social credit thing is real.
I guess YouTube could add data to that as well.
Idk if its happened yet, the original plan was to be mandatory by 2020 i think
Are we living in a computer simulation?
I’m scared.
Computer simulation or not it doesn't matter our goal are the same.
rewrite that program, ladies and gents!
It's our program from here on out...
Conquer whatever simulation we happen to be in.
Thanks for letting a sista vent! Off to the graveyard shift.
Can someone enlighten me about this Cpbija meme?
Eat it
Lift them
Bacon = gay
Srbija? Serbia
Names that sound like Mexican mumbo jumbo=gay
Yes it's Cpbija in derbian
@NateDahl76 that's how you say Serbia in woke
@JohnStrasser hi I'm Nick Fuentes and this is america first
Cosovo je whatever