Message from @Goose
Discord ID: 493618130405425152
Newest Rebel Media employe?
idk about you guys, but it sounds like Kavanaugh was quite the ladies' man
the ones accusing him are probably the ones he rejected.
what a chad
Lol, he got bored of these women at said parties and was like "where are my bros at?"
someone needs to ask him "what are saturdays for?"
Actually last night was wild at my school.
Check out @bjbloompf4’s Tweet:
This dude needs to find the keeto section of the Kosher food.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Well my school beat VT in football last night in a huge upset. So yea it was insane
I was at a party elsewhere but some of my buddies were here.
"no pan European culture"
Indo-European languages?
And you gotta love how he completely dodged the rebuttal of "Asian" categorization being as valid as White
Earlier, you mentioned Robert E. Howard. Are you a fan of Conan, by chance?
@Rick Henlo
Yeah. To an extent.
Marvel is rebooting the Conan comic series, this coming January. It will be the first new book I have purchased in a few years.
I will buy it second hand
ata boy
Considering how good their current poz-laden filth is, I am sure it will be lining bird cages and blanketing hobos a day after it hits the shelves.
One could, hypothetically, read it without paying marvel in any way
Of course we never would do such a thing
Yeah, just go into the store, read it, and leave.
Check out @sadfishguy’s Tweet: Check the comments section of the tweet for whole article.
I was talking about why I don't think an all white LotR series would do well, because it is held hostage to the main, already complete story. This isn't the case with Conan, because Conan was low-fantasy, with no over-arching plot, because REH himself told the tales of Conan out of order, and because REH committed suicide before making it clear whether was done telling tales of Conan - which he probably wasn't.
Anyway, the Hyborian Age is where I occassionally leap into to escape from this painful reality.
It is quite clear though that the (((MSEI))) [jewish mainstream entertainment industry] has run out of ideas. All they can do is appeal to nostalgia, and they cannot do that without cucking the hell out of the source material.
True. At least our honorary friends in glorious Nippon still imagibe new tales
Never been too much into anime, but I have a cousin who buys my goys Studio Ghibli films for Christmas - and I like those. My goys also watch pokemon. All of that is better than any of the GRIDS-garbage on American television.
@Rick Howard said it felt like Conan was dictating his stories to him, and Tolkien got the idea of Numenor from a recurring nightmare about Atlantis sinking. It's sort of an odd coincidence that Lovecraft was writing his stuff around the same time period based on his dreams.
That is interesting. It has occurred to me that Whites not only created the modern world, we also created the world of make believe. This is why people from all other races are trying to force their way into our fictions.
What does everybody think about the latest allegations against Kavanaugh?
Latest? Aside from that first one?
A woman named Deborah Ramirez accused him of teabagging her at a college party when they were both 18. Michael Avenatti just claimed to be representing a client that accused Kavanaugh of organizing gang rapes.
Just checked internet. Saw headlines.
does anyone remember the lnk to transition from Discord to the new server? I cannot locate that email that had the links and explained how to do it.
link *