Message from @Nicholas1166 - NY
Discord ID: 496868440087199754
I used to be all about Molymeme, with le epic RW frens
I have an irl friend who’s big on Molyneux and he’s pretty great politically
I’ve met a few guys irl who agree with out political circles. Pure coincidence
I sense a reawakening of the viking spirit on the horizon
It just happened the second you posted that.
Check out @DefendEvropa’s Tweet:
We all need a Salvini
He's honestly very similar to Trump except he continously puts his money where his mouth is
Salvini posting is extremely high T. He alternates between rants about expelling invaders, and pictures of the pasta he made for dinner
Salvini has delivered or has begun the process of delivering his promises. I think we're gonna see Lega pick up more seats next election and Salvini will be able to pretty much stand alone without a coalition support propping him up. He was able to bail On Berlusconi last time, let's hope he can bail on 5 Star next.
@Nicholas1166 - NY thats the duality of the Italian my friend
I never got what the problem with 5 star was. Other than salvini being influential and getting things done.
I like everything he does, but I am a little concerned over the coalition budget. Considering how bad their debt-gdp ratio is, they really need to make sure they don't overspend
5 Star is big tent
Debt doesnt really matter
A lot of its influential base are moderate to moderate left
Gdp is big tent too
5 Star is hard on economics but socially they're willing to bed
They nearly formed a government with the social democrats.
But they probably wont' be able to clear 40% alone
Salvini kind of needs to keep them under his fist like he has been
I mean I'm lefty economically. But socially hardline right
5 Star isn't hard right socially though.
Salvini started out as a social democrat/lukewarm socialist or something like that
5 Star is just tough on economics because they do the euroskeptic bit
@Nicholas1166 - NY as have other notable Italians 😉
I thought 5 star was who the media were crying about the most and salvini kind of blind sided everyone
No they were pretty scared of lega
Yes, very notable italians, with very strong jaw lines
John Oliver said that 5 Star was like the ukip of Italy, where as salvini was a "new mussolini"
Media doesn't like five star because antiestablishment, but its lega that really gets their blood boiling
I get they were scared of lega but it seems like 5 star was who they focused on
5 Star was a huge chunk of votes
Probably because 5 star was way more powerful
And the EU is scared of 5 Star
This is when the election was going on
The reason league wasnt as attacked as strongly is because they expected them to stay in the center right coalition and for Berlusconi to get more votes
Lega was excepted to do well but not dominate their coalition