Message from @Fitzydog
Discord ID: 599742853630918667
Okay? Is that your community?
>It's always been law for the past half century
If a law was needed is it because the market was failing?
Should we eliminate the Japanese now? They're pretty racist.
My community? I've no sense of nationalism
Nationalism only creates problems and clonflics
breaking the borders brings freedom to all
No, actually, the Civil rights act was imposed even thought the market wanted to integrate blacks in the US
so it's a desirable goal
But I want borders. That's my freedom of association
Sounds like you don't like freedom
Well if your freedom inters with other's then it's time for you to stop 😃
Because you're violating other people's freedom
Their freedom of movement is interfering with my right to a quiet neighborhood
and we don't want that if we want to maximize freedom do we?
So let me get it right, two people want to associate with each others but you don't want them in "your" neighbourhood
How can my freedom interfere with someone else's freedom? That doesn't even make sense
@StevenStevens Yes, so what are the rules of the neighborhood?
If two people in El paso want to associate what right does someone that isn't even there have to tell them not to?
No one is telling you to open your house for them
altough the abolition of land lords is also desirable
Is it desirable?
That's a big assumption
It is for the citizens of a nation to decide border policy, thats what makes nations sovereign. No one else has the "right" to cross the border into to associate with someone else in the same way person A can't trespass on person B's property to associate with someone else if person B isn't consenting
This doesn't sound like freedom at all.
Sounds like some bastardized definition of freedom
Hell, freedom itself is a dumb word
Yes, people worrying about where to sleep and eat makes them less free, it's a loaded gun pushing them into actions they would otherwise not take
Define freedom
Living in a commune with my communist friends
That doesn't answer anything
That is true freedom
Okay, so freedom of association
You and your friends
Yes freedom from landlords
oppresive forces of the market
freedom from government
You can still be 100% free and still need to worry about food and shelter. After all, if you were out in a perfect state of nature you are "free" but you are not free from consequences
Okay. But do you have the right to impose that on someone who's not your friend?
@-5K- Only if resources are poorly alocated in our commune they won't be right komrad?
@Fitzydog Yes.