Message from @TylerHess
Discord ID: 500897729996652545
I don't think he is really relevant anymore so people don't feel much tension. Just kind of a lingering sense that he tried to coopt IE's membership as if we were something to be taken for granted that could be dragged around from control at the top
So on top of what everyone else can tell you, he can't finish or stick with projects. hasn't been updated in months.
@Nemets It's one of those things where, yeah, the western media lies, but the Chinese government does too
Spencer has had some great moments but he sees he is powerless now
He looks down upon us as being 'too middle class' which when translated means that we don't have larpy TWP optics or Spencer's high and mighty attitude.
@NateDahl76 Praise be (for that fact).
He actually said that did he? @TylerHess
Remember when he showed up with security for the DC free speech event? That was probably his peak
@Ald he basically told the black guy that he wasn’t british
@Nemets China committed various degrees of genocide before. No reason they wouldn't again now that they have even more geopolitical leverage than ever.
@TylerHess So, basically, you're saying that Spencer engaged in White bioleninism <:galaxybrain:366743669484683264>
@NateDahl76 Yeah I was asking Tyler about the too middle class comment
It's been brought up on here before
@Nemets I went to Xinjiang . Probably have told you that a few times. It really is cooler than the pictures, as cool as they are.
I admit to really liking Spencer's Podcasts. I guess it's one of those things where a pundit and writer is not always a good leader. Enoch figured it out, Spencer didn't.
Patrick is a good leader.
Greg Conte was the best part of and he left after becoming alienated
@TylerHess That is true.
Hah, I see what he's probably bemoaning when he says middle class and it's a good thing. Intelligent pragmatism
@Nemets Multiple outlets have reported arrests can be made for refusing to allow children to inter-marry, refusing to watch state TV.
But yeah, when that guy gets there, let us know.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN It sucks, because he poisoned a lot of wells. I mean, I don't think the "movement" is going to suffer in the absence of Spencer, Camillo, or Caerolus Rex, but Mark Brahmin's stuff was pretty awesome, and Maclaren didn't have to go down the way he did.
Watching a horror movie called "The Guest".
@Bjorn - MD Agreed. It is weird the mainstream media fixated on him so much that now they think all pro-white politics is dead because he's licking his wounds.
@Nemets I am very poor.
but I came in by bus from Almaty so I saw some of the countryside. Mostly at night though. The contrast between Kazakhstan and China or China and the rest of the world boggles the mind. China is the real deal
@Logan Elaborate?
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN I think they saw the size of his ego very early on, and resolved to use him against us as an optical liability.
it felt like walking off the set of Indiana Jones onto the set of Blade Runner
@Bjorn - MD Maybe someday he can have a role to play. But Not in IE and IE doesn't need him.
they were doing some knife attacks before, after and during my time there but it wasn't very disruptive. The streets were peaceful and busy with Uighurs and Han but in the city center - which is huge, it's a city of 2 million, which is bigger than most cities in the US - there were SWAT vehicles and foot patrols
It's not like he got arrested for step-mom porking or wife/bestfriend choking.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN Unfortunately for him, I think the only role left for him at this point is as someone for us to point at, and say "We're not him."
I remember the post-box TDS episode. I didn't really understand what was going on. I had to re-listen to it after getting updated. LOL
Has IE received any former TWP members following that glorious display of the meaning of white trash
@Bjorn - MD Yeah, I have no stake in it.