Message from @Werlf

Discord ID: 428218172252880906

2018-03-27 15:40:58 UTC  

did i fall thru a wormhole while i was sleeping wtf

so it most likely to kill Jews

2018-03-27 15:41:09 UTC  

```Prior to being elected Labour leader, Corbyn referred to the Islamic terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah as his β€œfriends.” It was also revealed that Corbyn was part of an anti-Jewish Facebook group that contained Holocaust deniers, as well as another group that accused Jews of trafficking organs and controlling the media.```

2018-03-27 15:41:12 UTC  

I hope Britain gets its shit together soon, seems that the public and major figures are speaking out a bit more now

or bomb Israel

2018-03-27 15:42:21 UTC  

while im not specifically against bombing israel... i am specifically against islam loving commies

2018-03-27 15:42:36 UTC  

whats wrong with Israel

2018-03-27 15:43:09 UTC  

1) they dont really own the place 2) they've been shit disturbers since they moved in 3) i just dont like them

I would not bomb Israel oh hell no

2018-03-27 15:43:26 UTC  

who would you rather have

2018-03-27 15:43:36 UTC  


2018-03-27 15:44:12 UTC  

well its bascially Jews or Muslims at this point

2018-03-27 15:44:26 UTC  

we could fix that quick enough

2018-03-27 15:44:35 UTC  

what have you got against jews

2018-03-27 15:44:59 UTC  

see above comment

2018-03-27 15:45:17 UTC  

I just dont like them isnt a very good reason

2018-03-27 15:45:52 UTC  

you really want me to type out an essay on the JQ?

2018-03-27 15:46:00 UTC  


2018-03-27 15:46:05 UTC  

there ya go

2018-03-27 15:46:08 UTC  

I'd like a solid reason though

2018-03-27 15:46:29 UTC  
2018-03-27 15:46:35 UTC  

like is a subjective emotion... there is no 'reason' to like and dislike

2018-03-27 15:46:53 UTC  

I'm just asking because I am a Jew

2018-03-27 15:47:02 UTC  


2018-03-27 15:47:10 UTC  

and i said israelis

2018-03-27 15:47:17 UTC  

lets be specific here

2018-03-27 15:47:46 UTC  

I said " What have you got against Jews", you say"Reasons above" which I thought meant Jews overall

2018-03-27 15:47:55 UTC  

you could, i suppose replace, israelis with zionist jew

2018-03-27 15:48:00 UTC  

don't just change the subject to israeli

2018-03-27 15:48:13 UTC  

that is amazing

2018-03-27 15:48:19 UTC  


2018-03-27 15:48:31 UTC  

what a nice birb

2018-03-27 15:48:36 UTC  

the subject was always israel... you were the only one using the word jew

2018-03-27 15:48:56 UTC  

yeah but you said to refer to the answer about israelis when I asked about jews

2018-03-27 15:49:07 UTC  

so I assumed we changed to talking about Jews at that point

2018-03-27 15:49:25 UTC  

so the fact that you tried to change the subject means i have to answer for it?

2018-03-27 15:49:35 UTC  

and you wonder why no one likes you

2018-03-27 15:49:38 UTC  


2018-03-27 15:50:06 UTC  

alright then