Message from @DanielKO

Discord ID: 452998380608815125

2018-06-04 00:07:47 UTC  

Don't accept nothing but your native culture

2018-06-04 00:13:44 UTC  

what if the other culture has better food?

2018-06-04 00:14:19 UTC  

I don’t eat nigger food.

2018-06-04 00:22:36 UTC  


2018-06-04 00:24:03 UTC  

or kike food

2018-06-04 00:29:05 UTC  

eat ass

2018-06-04 00:31:54 UTC  

**Anarchist Ash#2870** was cleansed from the server.

2018-06-04 00:33:31 UTC  

they arent declining lmao

2018-06-04 00:33:39 UTC  


2018-06-04 00:34:11 UTC  

also ban abortions

2018-06-04 00:34:15 UTC  

force people to have kids

2018-06-04 00:34:16 UTC  


2018-06-04 00:36:06 UTC  

sounds gay

2018-06-04 00:43:20 UTC  

>having kids
>sounds gay

2018-06-04 00:45:13 UTC  

Setting autism aside...

2018-06-04 00:46:02 UTC  

Did you guys see the latest PewDiePie video? The first part, in particular, where he talks about Pogo's controversy, of the press twisting his sarcastic joke about hating gays.

2018-06-04 00:46:25 UTC  
2018-06-04 00:46:56 UTC  

"Don't go spouting about Peterson and all these right wing politicians."

2018-06-04 00:47:29 UTC  

Did he just lump Peterson with right wing politicians?

2018-06-04 00:52:54 UTC  

I used to think Pewds suffers mostly from language barrier. The way he has trouble saying some phrases, the jump cuts mid-sentence.

2018-06-04 00:53:50 UTC  

But now I'm starting to think he has some kind of learning disability.

2018-06-04 00:54:36 UTC  

It appears he wants to play the PC game, but only half way.

2018-06-04 00:55:13 UTC  

**DinkiTheDemon#0585** was cleansed from the server.

2018-06-04 00:55:25 UTC  


2018-06-04 00:55:29 UTC  

He wants to be PC, but only a bit. Not all the way until it becomes intolerable. As if he could appease the regressives.

2018-06-04 00:56:10 UTC  

He's playing to his base: 12 year olds.

2018-06-04 01:01:17 UTC  

In the video he's referring to, Pogo's "apology video", he mentions, by name:
- Milo Yiannopoulos
- Jordan Peterson
- Stephan Molyneux
- Christina Hoff Sommers
- Stephen Crowder
- Ben Shapiro
- Joe Rogan

2018-06-04 01:01:46 UTC  

PewDiePie seems to think they're right wing politicians.

2018-06-04 01:02:43 UTC  

Not a biggie.

2018-06-04 01:03:28 UTC  

None are politicians; Peterson, Sommers, Rogan, aren't even right wing.

2018-06-04 01:05:06 UTC  


2018-06-04 01:05:18 UTC  

Why is this a big deal?

2018-06-04 01:05:37 UTC  

Because left wing retards think they are. Like Jack Smith the fourth.

2018-06-04 01:05:59 UTC  

Did I say it was a big deal?

2018-06-04 01:07:03 UTC  

It kinda is, by the way, he's the biggest youtuber.

2018-06-04 01:07:31 UTC  

probably making a bigger deal out of this than it really is

2018-06-04 01:07:43 UTC  

He seems to think it's mostly a war between old media and new media, and there's no such a thing as a culture war.

2018-06-04 01:08:04 UTC  

he isn't in the same circles as us. he just addresses it in the way he's familiar with it

2018-06-04 01:08:43 UTC  

Pewds criticized Pogo, "that's not the time and place to be un-PC."

2018-06-04 01:08:48 UTC  

Petition to edjumacates the pewds.

2018-06-04 01:10:12 UTC  

Pewds even accused Pogo of not really apologizing.