Message from @Screwtape
Discord ID: 453404824298323988
@NightOwl lmao I was just planning on looking this up again
No, please don't back trace me!
that 'dad' lol.. dude sit the fuck down, you're smol, aint no time for your dainty ass
that's like 12 years old tho.. i wonder what she looks like now... probably jenna the hutt
A cursory search returns this link:
Also her dad died a couple years ago (2011).
baal pls
Sorry m8
I have tourettes
don't mind me
"Why are you guys flaking me? So unfair"
i just have turrets
I thought Boogie had a fuckable wife
They got a divorce
why doesn't he get another fuckable wife
isn't he rich?
Kim Dot Com is hella fat too, and has a very fuckable wife
Drooling over cake.
buy a fucking treadmill ya cunt
oh wait I'm responding to old posts
RE: boogie
I can smell the diabetes.
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA]
Well, he is losing weight
Break. The. Conditioning.
old man sargoy
😆 🤣
<a:rainbow_w:452709849604554753> <a:rainbow_t:452709849541640203> <a:rainbow_f:452709849420267552>
Preheat the owen guys
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] but ye after decades of failed traditional weight loss boogie got a surgery that shrunk his stomach and helped him drop a shitton. he's still around 300 and has to actually work to loose more now, but he's "thin" enough that his doctor will actually let him exercise now