Message from @Asatru Artist - MD

Discord ID: 503815356167749632

2018-10-22 06:17:47 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:18:12 UTC  

Well, did you pass?

2018-10-22 06:18:20 UTC  

I dream sometimes I'm late for work, then I wake up and I am.

2018-10-22 06:18:24 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:18:26 UTC  

I specifically remember one where I was getting called racist and in my dream I almost immediately said something like, "do you call blacks racist for asserting their identity?"

2018-10-22 06:18:56 UTC  

lucid dreaming when youre about to wake and you know it is fun

2018-10-22 06:19:39 UTC  

my dreams are totally disconnected from my waking life, I'm usually having some sort of adventure with some strangers I don't know, in some truck full of wares, or on some kind big ship at sea, or running around hotels.

2018-10-22 06:19:45 UTC  

I have a lot of nightmares about school. They're honestly pretty bad.

2018-10-22 06:20:00 UTC  

Sometimes I have nightmares that there was a huge project that I totally forgot about

2018-10-22 06:20:46 UTC  

I don't think I've ever had a legit nightmare before... I've had dreams of giant spiders crawling around... but that wasn't really scary.

2018-10-22 06:20:49 UTC  

A weird variation on this is occasionally I'll have nightmares that there's a class I haven't been attending because I forgot I signed up for it and just remembered mid quarter

2018-10-22 06:20:56 UTC  

I wonder what kind of correlation we could draw between people who never have nightmares and those that usually do

2018-10-22 06:20:57 UTC  

That shit is genuinely scary

2018-10-22 06:21:04 UTC  

My dreams usually tell me what I want most

2018-10-22 06:21:15 UTC  

@Balgias I have really bad anxiety, so that might tell you something

2018-10-22 06:21:24 UTC  

ohh I don't have any

2018-10-22 06:21:37 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:21:38 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:22:13 UTC  

Many of my dreams involve spelunking for some reason. They can be suspenseful.

2018-10-22 06:22:19 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:22:21 UTC  

I have nightmares on occasion. Usually don't remember much if anything once I wake up though.

2018-10-22 06:22:37 UTC  

When I working at Dairy Queen I had a dream that everyone was yelling at me to fix the ice cream machine and I was like "wtf I have no idea how to do this"

2018-10-22 06:22:50 UTC  

School dreams are way more stressful than work dreams, though

2018-10-22 06:22:58 UTC  

DQ something different.

2018-10-22 06:23:30 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:23:44 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:23:54 UTC  

Yeah, not sure I'll take advice from the tribe about sanity...

2018-10-22 06:23:58 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:24:18 UTC  

Ask a khorne berserker about making the office a more zen workplace

2018-10-22 06:24:22 UTC  


2018-10-22 06:24:22 UTC  

Sometimes my dreams are super ominous though... I had this one where I was at a hotel on a beach with some girl, in like South Africa or something, just staring out at sea at a giant storm brewing

2018-10-22 06:24:51 UTC  

@Nemets I'll bet he would. Something about homosexuality or anal retentiveness symbolized by the cave?

2018-10-22 06:24:56 UTC  

I had a dream that I was in South Africa, but I'd get in trouble if I told it

2018-10-22 06:25:14 UTC  

I day dream your dream.

2018-10-22 06:25:24 UTC  

@Zilna Jestov Are you low key calling dwarves gay?

2018-10-22 06:25:24 UTC  

That dream was also before I even knew about >South Africa, so

2018-10-22 06:25:35 UTC  

Save the Boer bros

2018-10-22 06:25:37 UTC  

@Jacob hell yeah

2018-10-22 06:25:56 UTC  

@Asatru Artist - MD "I'm not crazy, you're crazy!"

2018-10-22 06:26:02 UTC  

Their own biology can't withstand their malice