Message from @JC
Discord ID: 504533745634639872
The left has an amazing ability to come up with slogans
Why is that?
Its because they use emotions
diversity is THEIR strength
dude, that one is like a friggin cult slogan now though
Juice have high verbal IQ
and "nation of immigrants" <:really:453005408064241674>
even Germany is using that term now
Germany is owned
"The light clicked on" quite awhile before he started explicitly pushing our ideas. Vince took his time moving his audience rightward @Asatru Artist - MD
'melting pot'
I hate melting pot more than any
@DairyMaxx Well, I quite enjoy the "new" Vince.
the Irish are propagandized by saying "many countries accepted you as refugees after potato famines you have to accept them too" so theres no escaping it even if the Irish are the "oppressed" in the situation <:sad:366743316475281408>
Yeah he's doing g great work
We were a *white* melting pot until 1965
Oh good grief. A half hour melted away in here bsin with yall. I gotta go to bed. Work and stuff. G'nite!
i should's 2am here <:nervous:359009898115104770>
White teachers need not apply...
the fact that they can get away with that is infuriating
and who wants their kids being taught by blacks anyways??
We wouldn't exist if we weren't threatened
yeah, we are reactions to the disease of liberalism
and globalism
the Antifags love to think they are the revolutionaries (while spouting all establishment bs)....WE are the dissidents.. We are the vanguard.
it's hilarious really
quick read from 2016
Alright man. Signing off. It's 11 here on the west coast. Love you all. God bless and sleep well
nite all
"Human life is a form of currency"...
Sleepy huwyte music for sleepy huwytes.