Message from @ThisIsChris
Discord ID: 505111123415138311
@Selma GI
Oh, of course.
Thank you, Chris!
mfw "tactics" is the ability to be socially well-adjusted
I can't blame people for wanting to react in kind to the dastardly tactics of the left, though. It's a gut reaction.
But it immediately clicks to non-self indulgent people, that that is not going to win us anything positive.
okay this is really weird
the Vancouver Sun is supposedly left leaning
but they have a lot of really good articles
Is that bucky Barnes?
No but those are great. Wow.
@Goose Well, nationalism is basically communism, so it's not surprising
i had a whitepill moment yesterday when i realized Scalise is my rep instead of cedric richmond
@Goose nice, he might be next speaker of the house
PredictIt's odds for Republicans to keep the house reached their all time highs today
i think i bought a couple hundred shares of him becoming speaker
yea, 200 to be exact
Nice! 6 dollars with a solid chance to turn that into 200 ain't bad
I should probably stay away from being for a while
"being" is the only way to be
I can never find the right bets
@Jacob getting into meditation?
@Trashboat yw
My 65 year old mother just called me as I'm getting ready to leave work, and said she thinks George Soros is responsible for the packages sent. My heart skipped a beat.
Maybe people are waking up!
tbh i always thought soros was boomer-tier redpill (not that i'm not happy people are waking up)
Soros is a palindrome WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
i remember hearing glenn beck mention soros back when he was on fox
@ThisIsChris did you buy any shares that hillary will get arrested?
she will never see consequences for anything she has done, ever.
and that is why the elites will continue to do what they do.