Message from @Dwarforn

Discord ID: 489775178566467584

I'm gunna ruin this poor fuckheads day

I'd be all come inside

have a cup of Tea^

Now I will explain why you and the company you work for are very dumb

and by the end of it he will drive home a cry in his wifes arms. If he has one

Do have those Chairty people on the street where you are @Deleted User

GOd they are annoying

2018-09-13 12:07:29 UTC  

don't you mean he go home and cry in his body pillow of his favourite waifu

I live right in the centre

nordhand. After treatment is not my department

I got a 'Jovvie' once

This is actually fun

2018-09-13 12:10:37 UTC  

sure you are not a serial killer and your basement have more skeletons then Hillary's closet

basically they can't convert you if you already believe in something

So I as a white dude married to a Nepalese woman told them I was Hindu and I spent 20 mins telling them about my Hindu beliefs

I'm Catholic

Just don't come to my door

next time if I'm so lucky I might go for Buddism or Taoism

What if I told them I was Islamic?

2018-09-13 12:31:42 UTC  

@Deleted User That's not how the TV licence works. The invention of UK television in the late 20th century was facilitated by radio stations build and operated by the government's "British Broadcasting Corporation".

Since the telecommunication towers are operated by BBC Television, they hold the monopoly over the service.

2018-09-13 12:33:49 UTC  

And since the British Broadcasting Corporation still has dinosaur Government regulations, they continue to demand tax.

2018-09-13 12:43:08 UTC

here's the problem

but if a bunch of idiots can take Washington DC

2018-09-13 13:02:32 UTC  

they could always try and go "Muh Tyranical govmint" when the Dems try to take dere gonz

2018-09-13 13:03:54 UTC  

Guns? More like GONES! lol amirite?

Hand them over.

Fitzy head over to <#420834207590514690> I made you a car

2018-09-13 13:15:44 UTC  

Okay I don't do this often but

2018-09-13 13:15:47 UTC  


2018-09-13 13:15:49 UTC  

What in the honest fuck

2018-09-13 13:15:58 UTC  

Is it that hard to imagine that PR was just, like, lying?

2018-09-13 13:16:07 UTC  

@Mal he probably voted for it so that he can point at the EU and claim it's shit

2018-09-13 13:16:11 UTC  

nah bro

2018-09-13 13:16:15 UTC  

this is somehow still Trump's fault

2018-09-13 13:16:23 UTC  

..I think we went over this yesterday, come to think of it