Message from @✿ Mittens ✿

Discord ID: 493044800757563392

2018-09-22 09:37:25 UTC  

hollow as an easter egg


haha - Me scrolling up for a Turtwife story


@Deleted User Trust but Verify. The female of the species is deadlier than the male. Watch your six.

2018-09-22 11:48:09 UTC  

**huntlol#9456** was cleansed from the server.

2018-09-22 12:00:56 UTC  

:dollar:** Support Sargon of Akkad on Maker support and Patreon!** :dollar:

2018-09-22 12:46:37 UTC  

Tfw socialists who live in a capitalist country say they hate free speech 😞


Keep Firing even Mittens said something that made sense

2018-09-22 12:57:56 UTC  

You know that feeling when an argument someone is making is so dumb that you no longer want to engage with that person? So I was saying I find it funny when a socialist who lives in a capitalist country hates free speech. So this person starts joking about the marketplace of ideas, or whatever (the reason why I think socialists hating free speech in a capitalist country is ironic wasn't to make a point about the market place of ideas btw). So I say "You're a socialist living in a capitalist country who hates free speech. Is this a true statement?" Then the conversation gets even 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘦.

They start trying to tell me that it's a prescriptive statement. So I try to tell if person x says "I hate free speech" that is a prescriptive statement, it is one based on opinion, not fact. If someone says "person x hates free speech", then that is a fact which is true about that person, therefor it's a descriptive statement. So the person I'm talking to says I'm going on a "mindless pedantic tangent".

You know how sometimes when you're talking to someone who just makes you sick because they're so stupid? There's not many times when I just straight up wanna tell someone they're a moron, but this would be one of those times. People online wanna tell me I'm going on a mindless pedantic rant when I fucking study this concept in philosophy. Sometimes you just want to succeed in an argument with someone, but other times the level of discourse is so bad, you really just want to block the imbecile so they don't give you stomach pain looking at their degenerative diarrhea.

2018-09-22 12:58:05 UTC  

When people argue that private entities controlling speech isn't a "free speech" violation because it's not controlling speech under law, I wonder, why is it okay that private tyrannies like facebook, twitter, and youtube have the power to silence leftist voices (which they have), as opposed to public tyrannies? Isn't that one of the reasons we're socialists, because corporations are private tyrannies in which the workers are slaves to a system where your only choices are "worker or owner" and have basically the equivalent of choosing paper or plastic bags at the checkout counter of a grocery store? So you're okay when private entities control speech, but not when the government does it?

Private entities control massive amounts of information, if you don't care about the principle of free speech, on public or private platforms, you could easily be thrown into a 1984 like situation where we have a "ministry of truth" which only shows people propaganda - approved speech; and a ministry of justice, which probably wouldn't take too kindly to your revolutionary views. Private platforms like youtube, facebook, and twitter should be public platforms where anyone can say whatever they want, because it goes both ways. You can't say you want to censor fascists and then believe that you won't be censored if you disagree with the status quo.

2018-09-22 12:58:11 UTC  

I get really nauseous when I hear leftists talking about how they dislike free speech, many of whom are literally socialists. Socialists pretty widely agree that if there was a revolution capitalists would have to be killed because they would try to violently resist socialism. That's pretty much a call to genocide, and yet socialists say that it's wrong to call to genocide different races (which it is), and they think that they somehow deserve special privilege because they call for genocide for "the right reason". Let me tell you something mother fucker, you should thank the world that there's anything good in it that you're not thrown in jail for being a socialist in a capitalist country.

2018-09-22 12:58:31 UTC  

I genuinely hate the whole Antifa bullshit with punching Nazis. Punching Nazis is apparently only like 1% of what Antifa even does, but I see so many socialists defending that bullshit. So if you want to set the precedent that it's cool to punch people you disagree with, you're also saying it's cool for others to punch people that they disagree with. So you're saying that there should also be more attacks on lgbt people, minorities, socialists, etc. Because according to your logic it's okay to punch people who you disagree with. No, fuck you, you're just a stupid thug who wants make the world a more dangerous place for everyone in it.

Btw, I think Noam Chomsky was right when he said that Antifa is a massive gift to the right. When people see the way that Antifascists behave, they usually think that the people doing the aggression are the ones who are wrong. When people see leftists performing violence it just instills the idea in people that anyone who wants radical change in the system is violent and scary. Can you blame them?

2018-09-22 12:59:24 UTC  



2018-09-22 13:03:08 UTC  

Then don't read it, no one is forcing you. I'm sorry your feelings were hurt by someone actually writing a few paragraphs in the age of twitter 😢

2018-09-22 13:03:12 UTC  

Tears 😢

I read ALOT

2018-09-22 13:04:00 UTC  

WHOA nice

2018-09-22 13:04:05 UTC  


2018-09-22 13:04:15 UTC  

Alot isn't a word btw.


2018-09-22 13:04:44 UTC  

Neither is btw

2018-09-22 13:04:57 UTC  

Acronyms are acceptable in grammar.

2018-09-22 13:05:35 UTC  

More writings: a discussion about the function of the police from a marxist perspective

2018-09-22 13:08:11 UTC  

More writings: a response to my younger brother's message to me about socialism:

2018-09-22 13:09:08 UTC  


2018-09-22 13:09:35 UTC  

When I was growing up one thing I didn't think I'd ever have to do is write intellectual arguments against socialists and communists. In the name of our name father, I just wanted to play 40k.

2018-09-22 13:10:55 UTC  

I guess the 80% of forests gone, the 6th mass extinction, the runaway greenhouse effect, and almost more plastic in the ocean than fish mean nothing to you then 😢

2018-09-22 13:11:04 UTC  

No problems with capitalism here.

2018-09-22 13:11:06 UTC  

Yeah we're fucked mittens

2018-09-22 13:11:35 UTC  

Forget about imperialism and exploitation of third world countries through military expansion and shipping jobs over seas too.

2018-09-22 13:12:02 UTC  

Forget about the crashes that happen every 10 years and the tens of thousands of people who die because they don't have health care, forget about the mountains of student debt.

2018-09-22 13:12:26 UTC  

Forget about the massive refugee crisis which were caused by America's foreign policy, toppling foreign governments and creating unstable regions.

2018-09-22 13:12:36 UTC  

You're rant is giving me a boner.

2018-09-22 13:13:14 UTC  

Forget about the horrors that capitalism has caused, and the fact that the planet might not even sustain life for another 1000 years, solely because of capitalism. It's obviously the only system which could ever work 😅

2018-09-22 13:14:29 UTC  

@Ruggwain Come
This hasnt happened in the last 6 month

2018-09-22 13:14:37 UTC  

Be amazed