แƒฆ~๐’ซ๐’ฝ๐“Ž๐“๐’พ๐’ถ๐“ƒ~ แƒฆ

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what does that bot have again the Nazi Roomba?


God damn lizard jew nazis, trying to take all our shit

The saygoy inquisition shall decide your fate

Visiting UK = threatening Migrants world wide

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| -Phil Phlanigen |
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Who the fuck is Phil and why does he like jazz?

Who would dare hurt this poor little roomba

Iโ€™m sure thatโ€™s central to nazi ideology

So youโ€™re racist but not a nazi?

He is now restless in the idea he will never have foreskin

Something tells me half a seconds worth of brainpower isnโ€™t worth shit

All these racists have suffered so much, we should repay them for the systematic oppression

I also hate to say that thinking about it, that makes more sense than the actual SJW bullshit

Hey hey, ho ho, anti-racists have got to go

What more far-left slogans can we bastardise?

I donโ€™t fear non of those here blue check marks

Mobs of social justice warriors running out with pitchforks

You know exactly how theyโ€™d spin it

Something like โ€œCarl Benjamin, far right activist, festers racial hatred in discord serverโ€

โ€œAvid defenders of the holocaust push racial hatred onto vulnerable children under the command of SS heir general Sargon of Akkad, after slaughtering thousands of congolese children in an all new African genocideโ€

This perfectly describes what happened

Not a fabrication in any shape of the word

Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ve all seen those shitty ads saying something like โ€œweโ€™re part of the largest generation, if we work together than we can make the world a better placeโ€

It would be a great message but you just know the way theyโ€™re going with it


Yes but something tells me thatโ€™s not the same as destroying it

Because there are different kind of hierarchies

So questioning your hierarchy is not questioning is not questioning the idea of having one itself but the type you live in

Leave it down to the meritocracy and it will work itself out

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