Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 505536774857031680
s apparently a class action suit
it could cost them $500 per text
do it dude
milk that cow for all its worth
well I've got nothing to do with the lawsuit itself, but I'm sure I'll get a letter about it and hopefully accepting some settlement money
I can't wait for Beto to disappead. Just make sure you and your conservative friends get out and vote.
He's going to get smashed
Why am I getting a commercial in SPANISH on Spotify?!?!?! 😡
the polls are all normalizing now
Hey guys. I wanna know what you all think is going to happen with the caravan. If these migrants claim asylum, American laws allow them to stay. What're your guys thoughts on this?
He might pull a Kander after he loses.
trump issued an executive order to block asylum requests @Deleted User
yesterday, it may not be in effect yet though
I didn't hear about that! Gahhh that makes me so happy
mattis is sending military ++ NG to border as we speak
Thank god
Bouncer = exotic dancer?<:nervous:359009898115104770>
I was so pissed the other day. I got on here in general chat and said Trump was lying and wasnt going to do anything about the caravan or asylum law. Thank God he did!! I feel dumb for doubting him but I try my best to be skeptical. I love Trump but the demographics issue is a huge blackpill for me. This restores a lot of my faith now that trump signed an executive order against asylum seekers.
the climb gets steeper every passing day
@Deleted User Never feel dumb for doubting *any* elite.
Even the God Emperor.
@Deleted User don’t feel dumb ever. Trump answers to the enemy often enough to cause doubt. He’s doing what he can.
if we survive until 2020 the new census should rollback a lot of demographic issues with regard to voting, since undocumented immigrants won't be counted, which changes the tally for representatives in the bigger urban areas especially
Thanks for understanding yall
Trump will push for RealID and require for voting i'm sure...
God I hope so.
Have you guys seen "metamorphosis" by murdoch murdoch? That's how I feel a lot of the time... super blackpilled. I'm tryin to keep hope.
That one girl who got raped and murdered by an illegal.. her father was such a disgrace. He literally was in-favor of illegal immigration even AFTER his daughter was murdered. All because "muh diverse food is yummy"
@Deleted User We are the hope. <:deye:359010025223618570>
Altruism is the biggest blight on European peoples world wide
We are waaaaay too nice