Message from @D0s
Discord ID: 392484758472359956
Got disconnected i think
Notice me
Hello doge
Orwell my dude, would you be able to change the top role to Administrator? plus allow it to kick and ban members
Lol what a mess
Do I spot a normie
I think I have my copypasta rules somewhere if you want those
Are you guys watching the Andy Waski stream wtf is going on
Tell me what’s happeninh
Did Jeff Doxx coach on pol did i hear that right?
What’s happening
Jesus is it possible to restrict the ability to send Images in this chat it's such a mess
idfk im listening
Yes it is possible
<#392484867188850691> channel is here
Hold up
Moderator and mod are different roles
Like how there's 2 mod roles
I was all for the anarchy but this should end up being nicer tbh
nom mod when Kappa
He has more privs then me
Never that's when.
So you guys are organizing it?
I'm basically just a people manager
fuck off faggots