Message from @bryan120000
Discord ID: 571352600218435595
Does Jesse actually answer these questions in this chat? Is that what this is for?
Nobody really knows @Deleted User
It’s my mainline to James Hake (of the Hake Report) though
Ok, thank-you. @R-Zone Gamer
You are most welcome. Would you like to join me and Louis Farrakhan on His spaceship?
@Hake has someone uploaded the original JLP theme song? is it on Soundcloud somewhere?
I wish. It's the most alpha theme song there ever was! STAND UP!!!
Yes. We do have the portion we play up on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, etc.
I wish we could find the original full song somewhere. You hear hints of it, that it has multiple verses and a bridge during the course of jesses 90s show.
That's only the first verse. Just hit up Jeff Spann, maybe he has a copy!
Is Assange a hero for fighting for free speech and against corruption, or is that bad?
if i can find enough pieces of it, i could probably reconstruct it, we'll see. Thanks James.
how do U like my new video about U? I hope U will have fun!
Is it ok to move back home with mama if she's dying of stage 4 colon cancer?
Maybe in that case
is she in need of your assistance? why not just visit?
Let her suffer and die, she's a BETAAAAA!!!
can a woman be Beta? It's hard to really say if she needs my assistance, there's been times where I've had to help her but I don't know if I really need to live there.
I think it's not right honestly if I really think about it
Yes there's beta women. They're what we know of as "hoes"
Question for Jesse, more of an observation that requires checking. Jesus said to love your enemy. Also he says the enemy is not of the flesh. So we don't have to love and forgive the flesh right?
Did he answer your question?^
Does that rlly qualify as white 😂
Hi Jesse, given that we are God's children, how many of us are there? And also what are we?
Jesse my father is a Chicago judge ( one of the last Republicans Judges in the city) He would like to call you one day and talk to you about his opinions on the lesbian Mayor.
How do I phone in from the UK?
@hake read the second comment up please
i can see the headlines now.. alt right mayor steps down because of homophobia speech
Why does God permit suffering? If the police stop a criminal no one complains that they violated the criminals free will. So then why does God not do at least as much as a police officer would do ?
im not jesse but I'd say because the ego isn't the soul.
Jesse, before the slave days, what did the Africans do with all those elevators, traffic lights and peanut butter without skyscrapers, cars or sliced bread?
@Freeman Able/ Wildoski Skype credit. Bing has rewards
, I have a question concerning my parents. They broke up a few years ago, because my mother was unhappy and blamed my father. But now they could get back together (if it were up to me), and I'm wondering, is it a good or a bad idea? I'm still seeing my father and my mother is still alone AND unhappy so I think she made a mistake. Can this be undone or am I wrong and waisting my time?
No, it can't be undone. My father was to blame. It is me who must relax and enjoy the fact that I still see both of them and hold absolutely no anger in my heart.