Message from @Szayel's Pooppion

Discord ID: 580500034848555027

2019-05-21 20:44:50 UTC  

Every Communist Regime was Atheist, because they make the State their God. They killed hundreds of millions because they don't value life because it is meaningless to them. UTD is pretty dumb.

2019-05-21 20:45:31 UTC  


2019-05-21 20:46:36 UTC  

I could name some shitty things Christians have done too. The actions of a few evil people don't represent the entire group

2019-05-21 20:46:47 UTC  

At this point you're just strawmanning me

2019-05-21 20:47:10 UTC  

not few

2019-05-21 20:48:25 UTC  

Atheists have no Grand Narratives or basis for Objective Morality. Everything is relative and subjective to each individual atheist. I'm assuming UTD supports secular abortion.

2019-05-21 20:48:32 UTC  

I actually value life a lot. That's why I went vegetarian

2019-05-21 20:49:33 UTC  

@Sooth Slayer it's not true When I was Ateist i'm also have morality

2019-05-21 20:50:02 UTC  

I could go into detail about my moral philosophy, but that would take a while. Essentially its an improved version of utilitarianism that focuses more on empathy and perspective than overall pleasure

2019-05-21 20:50:52 UTC  

No G, you copied Christian morality and claimed to discover it through atheism.

2019-05-21 20:51:01 UTC  

I will say more. 100% atheist closer to God than most Christian and agnostic

2019-05-21 20:54:31 UTC  

UTD, utility to who? The elite? The collective? The mother who wants abortion? And why do you presume other atheists want to focus on empathy or pleasure or truth? If it's all subjective, each individual will choose their own utility behavior. Killing poor and sick people is perfectly rational for a secular state with limited resources.

2019-05-21 20:54:40 UTC  

how is a future not inevitably doomed when those of it whom which cant survive without help from a store, vehicle, money, or another person entirely...?

2019-05-21 20:55:38 UTC  

Okay either you don't know what utilitarianism is or you're just strawmanning the shit out of me now

2019-05-21 20:56:36 UTC  

You are describing what is best for the collective. That is socialism dummy.

2019-05-21 20:57:10 UTC  

Firstly, I will not even quote from the Bible that indicate the correctness of my expression.

Secondly, I bet that 90% of women doing aborts consider themselves to be Christians.

2019-05-21 20:58:13 UTC  


2019-05-21 20:58:41 UTC  

I define everything that is sentient to have moral value. Things which are not sentient don't have moral value because they lack the ability to care

2019-05-21 20:59:06 UTC  

If you're not a christian and have morals, those morals aren't coming from god, that would be paganism

2019-05-21 20:59:42 UTC  

which I used to be in my youngin days, I had morals and values but still had anger and resentment so therefore I was still lost in the spiritual sense

2019-05-21 20:59:53 UTC  

What good is values if you've still got hate

2019-05-21 21:01:12 UTC  

You can have morality and not believing in God. The very fact of denial of God does not deny the fact of his absence.
Here we are talking about the subjectivity and objectivity of opinion.

2019-05-21 21:01:21 UTC  

How do you define sentient? Are fetus' sentient? Old people with dementia? People in coma? When can they be killed? And that is your subjective morality, no one has to follow it.

2019-05-21 21:03:25 UTC  

When you can walk on 2 legs

2019-05-21 21:04:32 UTC  

Old people and people in a coma can't so that covers everything

2019-05-21 21:04:40 UTC  

Yet again. not all who call themselves Christians are. We already have the fact that abortions are common in black society and most black women consider themselves Christians and believe in God. The same with atheists, not everyone who calls himself that they are. More often we deal with people who simply use formulations, but create opinions based on resentment, than from common sense. So an atheist who uses common sense is closer to God than most Christians.

2019-05-21 21:04:48 UTC  

A lot of athiests & agnostics like to make that point, that you can not believe in God or believe in a "non-biblical" God & still have morals/values. I'm just saying that as per that was once my standing, I see clearly now my values were not coming from God but ego

2019-05-21 21:06:05 UTC  

There are more ways to deal with ones ego though

2019-05-21 21:06:46 UTC  

Ok Lit, so in your worldview the state defines who lives and dies by some arbitrary "sentient" test. Sounds like a Sci-Fi Dystopia movie. Creepy.

2019-05-21 21:08:32 UTC  

to be fair Hawking couldn't walk but I have a suspicion that an AI was using him for cover

2019-05-21 21:09:54 UTC  

Also I'd argue walking isn't entirely arbitrary

2019-05-21 21:12:11 UTC  

some claim the human imagination is the most imoral. the most evil.

2019-05-21 21:12:35 UTC  

Nothing has inherent value alone everything is symbiotic

2019-05-21 21:12:52 UTC  

sounds like imaginationland

2019-05-21 21:13:20 UTC  

are you guys smoking pot?

2019-05-21 21:13:52 UTC  

all day err'day 420 blaze it

2019-05-21 21:14:11 UTC  

well i can tell by ur name that lil pump is ur idol

2019-05-21 21:14:18 UTC  


2019-05-21 21:14:22 UTC  


2019-05-21 21:14:31 UTC  

Sentience is when one begins to care about what happens to them or anyone. For fetuses, not early pregnancy fetuses, but late pregnancy fetuses are sentient. People with dementia are sentient. For people in a coma, this is an exception because they did care what happens to them and will possibility be sentient again in the future. This isa an example of a difference between my philosophy and utilitarianism

2019-05-21 21:14:39 UTC  

I smoked grass when I was 15 years old, after half a year I noticed that I began to think more slowly and finished with this