Sooth Slayer

Discord ID: 289948017153277952

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your wife???

i found u

do you believe in gender equality?

women have emotional intelligence

my wife is violent

embrace the matriarchy nests

let us listen in peace

enuff about me, continue the dimporphic discussion

sfm's mic is blown out

MA copies my strat

i got the munchies bad


beta male

women want to cuck everyone

But Chads dont have resources

what changes in her brain?

evolutionary psychology?

Feminists use marxist Patriarchy Theory

women infiltrate all male groups

Back to sexual dimphorism?

the women can still cuck u, raising kids arent urs

1 outta 5 MA...

" AlphaBiolabs, the leading British home test supplier, says up to 30,000 paternity tests are being performed in this country every year โ€“ and that the figures are rising by ten per cent per year.

โ€˜Of these, around 20 per cent of men will learn they are not the father of the child they are testing,โ€™ says the companyโ€™s director, David Thomas. He added that in some regions the figure is higher, including the North East, where it is 30 per cent."

Violent tribalism will go on forever

I fear the zombie collapse

yes, it's turning the frogs gay


social justice cult

polgymous societies are unstable

Religion promotes the salvation of the individual. Governments promote the collective "good"

Yes, Divine Order or Logos.

wellfare state=daddy

bow down to gynocentrism, sacrifice for women and children

Clan based tribalism??

individuals will be sacrificed...


What about Technocrats? Ruled by "Science"?

the global warming folks

+ Eco-fascists, athiest materialists, anti-natalist, feminists

yes slave morality = women

call in the shw

ugh dolly diddlers again?

keep callin

sum guys need a good m0nk slap

Jaydog, maybe we should just embrace the Chinese invasion of totalitarian socialism

China is an atheist ethno-state, no immigrants or religion allowed.

Jaydog, your tradcon ideology cannot save the west. the family is destroyed the wellfare state took over.

Jaydog, and which men will you sacrifice to save the country when the invaders come?You realize tribalism kills men on both sides.

Saving the west implies it needs defending.

the sjws are cumming for all of us

dating baby mamas?

Cucking is normal behavior for them

u coulda just said cognitive dissonance bro



keep grindin

sacrifice today for a better tomorrow

sfm needs to be more inclusive

when r u gonna do videos old man?

what r the topics gonna be?

i liked ur m/f conflict resolution talk

will u cover any philosophy?

who is MI?

are you new?

why did u copy Misanthropic Altruist?

Thanks for doing that MI

old man, we need more videos.

ok jqboy

I luv Steve Hoca

i stayed up all nite to learn from him

women are meanies

i need to find a good woman

dating a single mom???

this is hate speech

this guy is a feminist

Religion is red pilled

everyone is a dolly diddler

blackpill is for incels

nihilism and hedonism go hand in hand

Artemis is a moon huntress, why you simping?

why is your name a female god?

are u still hunting for your nawalt?

i like milfs

pay good?


hello, u should take sfm's green pill.

Yang Gang 2020

@Punished Korgoth It was Russia helping Assange get emails

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