Message from @⚡Clark⚡
Discord ID: 510549426222268456
Obamacare was horrible
Either have a free market, or have universal healthcare
Reminds me of this
^ ya basically this
True you gotta have either totally socialized healthcare or total free market
Not shitty crony capitalism
However I do like the gov subsidizing my insurance
This is why I enjoy discussing these things in IE,
Obamacare is horrible because it forces you to do business with a private corporation so they can gouge you. Literally the worst of both worlds.
Such diversity of thought
Diversity polarizes political discussion significantly
Yeah i used to shill for free market libertarian shit. I find it’s easier to just care about one issue, keeping America white
Everything else, whatever
In a diverse society there's more fault lines, meaning that there's more to find conflict over. So, when people get into political discussions, there's a lot more tension.
Yeah, everything else is the house built upon the foundation of white sovereignty
I used to think people that believe what I do now, we’re victims to the elites divide and conquer
Explaining it like that is how I made my libertarian wife come around to our ideas
You're not disagreeing with someone, you're also supporting a power structure that oppresses his people
I've talked to people who live in Poland and they think it's outright weird that in the US politics are so divisive. Over there it's more just you have whatever opinion you have. It's like disagreeing about what your favorite color is.
Both the Left and Right do so because we rarely see violence these days. We're so pacified. White violence shames us.
It is impressive how much the Jews have accumulated under their control while doing very little violence themselves personally
That's an important lesson. Better to obtain power peacefully. It's sustainable.
It’s very hard to defend your subversive actions over the decades when you resort to violence
Agreed @Danimal876
As Greg Johnson put it, Jewish groups are running on all cylinders. Just a few whites standing up responsibly, and their machine starts to break down and lose control.
FYI ObamaCare absolutely fucked us.
Now the cheapest option for my employees is for them to opt to do a plan that takes them to Tijuana for care
How come Coordinator Ian's name says "Deleted User"? Did something happen?
It’s also very difficult given the level of documentation we need to have. If an employee waives their healthcare plan, we have to get it in writing over and and over again to make sure they don’t sue us later for “not offering it.” All these over-bureaucratic nightmares just create far lower trust among fellow whites
We end up drowning in paperwork to “protect ourselves” against people we should be able to have a handshake agreement with.
What you just described is something that’s infected the healthcare field as well
Meanwhile I’ve got a father with 3 kids who will pay 700 dollars a year more in 2019 even at the lowest option
Hm, my coworker is complaining that evangelicals voted for Trump but he has 3 divorces
Should I start screaming "IT'S OK TO BE WHITE"?
That’s such an old talking point, people honestly still bring that up
Oh gawd
Votes are in and the yeas have it. I probably won't do it this time but I appreciate I have your guys support should I do it in the future.
@ThisIsChris Would be awesome