Message from @isoboto

Discord ID: 801893875626410085

2021-01-21 19:17:32 UTC  

We already see people fleeing California for Texas

2021-01-21 19:17:44 UTC  

And yeah the rich have a billion different loopholes that they'll simply exploit and not pay taxes anyways.

2021-01-21 19:17:50 UTC  

Wrong. The rich need to pay their fair share. Greedy bastards who stole money from everyone else by working to build their companies. How dare they! <:Greta:720119386668531763>

2021-01-21 19:17:55 UTC  

Opps I made one about esptien

2021-01-21 19:17:58 UTC  

An increase of income tax on people earning 400k is not going to effect employment, I dont believe theres been any proof increasing income changes employment in businesses

2021-01-21 19:17:58 UTC  

Eh, Texas is just gonna become California 2.0 if all the libtards flock there

2021-01-21 19:18:04 UTC  

@isoboto sorry but ima start this now because i dont want them to kill biden i value life
#joe didnt kill himself

2021-01-21 19:18:12 UTC  

Red Cali by 2024?

2021-01-21 19:18:23 UTC  

Do what mods tell you to.

2021-01-21 19:18:32 UTC  

That’s why instead of fleeing to Texas I’m fleeing to South Dakota, it’s not as red but the liberals can’t survive the winters

2021-01-21 19:18:34 UTC  

no i said i value life

2021-01-21 19:18:39 UTC  
2021-01-21 19:19:00 UTC  

whos excited for communism? i know i am, ill own nothing and be happy

2021-01-21 19:19:05 UTC  

i will always listen to the lord and savior, the messiah @isoboto

2021-01-21 19:19:08 UTC  

not as red? bruh there are only like 3 democrat state senators out of like 35 seats

2021-01-21 19:19:15 UTC  

Shut up and do what you're told, you stupid hateful far-right bigoted cis white male.

I love communism! It will be glorious!

2021-01-21 19:19:24 UTC  

“Oh it’s ketchup” then she does that stupid laugh

2021-01-21 19:19:34 UTC  

My parents grew up in a Communist country and they said biden is already started the steps

2021-01-21 19:19:40 UTC  

democrats have no influence in south dakota anymore

2021-01-21 19:19:55 UTC  

Might relocate to Montana if things all go to shit in my current state lol. It sadly turned blue x.x

2021-01-21 19:19:58 UTC  

tank you tank you <:TrumpSmile:720121948088041513>

2021-01-21 19:19:59 UTC  

Tru I should’ve said not as Texas as Texas. Texas just as something about it

2021-01-21 19:20:08 UTC  

nope i refuse to believe that our dear leader joe biden would ever do that

2021-01-21 19:20:21 UTC  

gotcha, but im just saying

2021-01-21 19:20:23 UTC  

im movin to south dakota then, cuz here in South Carolina they are slowly creepin in

2021-01-21 19:20:38 UTC  

look up naked borat fight scene

2021-01-21 19:20:49 UTC  

Lol wanna hear how they over took the government and how much better they told me it is now.

2021-01-21 19:20:59 UTC  

kinda wrong there 2, republicans picked up 2 state senate seats along with 2 state house seats

2021-01-21 19:21:16 UTC  

Long have we waited... for our savior Joe Biden, to save us from the Evil Orange Man.

2021-01-21 19:21:22 UTC  

Because I come from a country which does necessary things that help me and my people? And what proof is that based on?

2021-01-21 19:21:25 UTC  

South Dakota- you need to do actual work to shovel snow out of your driveway
Liberals- oh no we can’t live here because the snow is racist to people with driveways

2021-01-21 19:21:31 UTC  

and regained the 1 federal house seat they lost in in 2018

2021-01-21 19:21:40 UTC  

next youre gonna tell me that the media became a propaganda arm of the government and that is what happened to us here already, but nope our media is completely inbiased and very trustworthy

2021-01-21 19:21:41 UTC  

im a liburul

2021-01-21 19:21:52 UTC  

So let me get this joe Biden sniffing memes?

2021-01-21 19:21:55 UTC  

@Neevkl_7 nah snow is racist because it's white, how dare it not be inclusive XD

2021-01-21 19:22:00 UTC  


2021-01-21 19:22:10 UTC  

CNN is the most trusted name in news. They always report the truth.

2021-01-21 19:22:16 UTC  


2021-01-21 19:22:17 UTC  

Yeah, my parents told me their country people caught their leader and killed him

2021-01-21 19:22:24 UTC  

fact check truee