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I believe the pandemic is fake. Deaths from other causes rebranded as "Covid-19", which explains why no lockdown nor mask has been able to "control" the "pandemic".


I also have rejected Germ Theory in favor of Terrain Theory.

Every time I get sick, which is rare in the first place, it's _out of seemingly nowhere_ going by the rules of germ theory.

After all... where does the flu "hide" all year long? And it always strikes at the start of fall/winter? Oh, but it doesn't target _me_ as I've not been sick at all the last 2 winters.

Fascinating. I've also _never_ been vaccinated.


I'm the control group.

Indeed... what "need" is there for _Satanic rituals_ if there is no God?


I actually rejected God. I decided he didn't exist... then I see all this "crap" play out in 2020, and then I'm just like... 🤔
And now I've decided to never reject God again. Funny how that works.

What about the aliens coming in from Mexico. <:KEK:726877368601411624>

Area 51 is Washington DC.

The first 50 areas are called "States" <:thinking:726878987837636698>

And yes, Washington DC is clearly located in an anal cavity. Smells awful.

Opposing capitalism should be illegal, just like advocating for socialism and communism.

2020-11-13 03:56:49 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Raising the taxes on the top 1%, the ultra-wealthy is easily a problem, because if they don't like the taxes, they'll just up and move and you'll get nothing. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

I don't think Alex Jones is a conspiracy theorist, he's a conspiracy journalist. I'll trust Alex Jones over CNN any day.

Covid-19 is definitely a complete fraud. Germ theory is also a fraud. Viruses are present in every case of an illness... but are not the _cause_ of the illness. The irregularities I've seen with the whole "covid crisis", has led me to accept terrain theory as truth, and germ theory as a lie. I believed in germ theory my whole life, until 2020. Looking back at all the times I got sick, despite not being around sick people, terrain theory is actually a perfect fit.

They _are_ everywhere. Always have been.

I really like the explanation that terrain theory gives. That the viruses are actually produced by our bodies in response to the build-up of toxins from what we eat, and our health habits. It finally answers the question of where viruses come from, and how I can get sick even in sterilized self-isolation.

Germ theory is built on the idea that our health is not our responsibility, instead it is everyone else's, and doctor's responsibility, convincing us we need constant injections, vaccines, to avoid getting sick.

But this is actually false.

I have have never been vaccinated for anything, except tetanus after I was injured by a rusty piece of metal, and I skipped the last 2 flu seasons.

As in, I did not get sick.

And I work retail, so the "exposure" is still there.

I have _never_ gotten a flu shot, and me getting a flu, at any time of year, is unheard of. It used to be a lot more common when I _ate a lot of fast food..._

Funny that.

And then I got sick _months_ later? TOPKEK.

Ever since cutting 99.9% of the fast food out of my diet, my incidences of getting sick have dropped to nearly 0 per year.

Without vaccines, without pharma drugs, etc.

At this point, I can't find legit proof that _germ theory_ is real. Where does the flu "hide" all summer? Who catches it _first_ and from _where?_ Too many holes in the theory.

The acceptance of germ theory was necessary for Big Pharma to convince the people that they needed vaccines, and to make truckloads of $$$.

Darn. There was this really awesome video debunking Covid-19 and the Spanish Flu, but...


It's gone.

It was a 45-minute long documentary, it even explained how the Spanish Flu being contagious was a hoax, and how that was actually proven back in 1918.

They literally tried to prove germ theory by having people who were sick purposely be in contact with healthy people, and not once could they make the healthy person sick.

The Spanish Flu was actually caused by people staying inside and lacking sunlight, as it was a _very cold winter._


The terrain theory of disease explains everything. Germ theory doesn't quite measure up.

Evidence that capitalism has failed:
[blank page]
Evidence that communism has failed:
100 million dead.

Barack **Hussein** Obama.
Obama = Osama.
Problem? <:troll_face:726878856585281557>

"Kamala" = "Horrible" in Finnish.

Horrible Harris.

From that chart of Alex Jones theories...

"Mexicans brainwashing natural-born Americans."

CCCP: Communist Ching Chong Party

Close. China faked a viral outbreak, citing people who were already sick and dying, faked a lockdown, and then falsely claimed the lockdown worked. This was used as an excuse to follow China's example, and destroy the economy of the West so that China would gain an advantage.

Either tricked into thinking it's real, and that the lockdown is a good response, or actively corrupt and going along with the globalist agenda.

Covid-19, also known as "Covidism", is secretly a Satanic cult. Part of their evil rituals is the wearing of masks to invoke evil spirits.

I also hate how "anti-vaxxers" are demonized. Like, excuse me? If you want to get vaccinated, fine, have at it, but I'll NOT have you forcing _me_ to participate. The vaccine allegedly protects _you_, so f--k off and stay out of my business and health-related matters.

And recently, a new label was created to demonize us _even more:_

It'll be interesting if the left actually ends up turning against Joe Biden, and hilarious if they wake up and become Trump supporters. Probably won't happen, but would be TOPKEK <:KEK:726877368601411624>

I don't "do" vaccines. I don't "do" pharmaceutical drugs. I'm not obligated to, and will _never_ be obligated to.

I never even heard of TYT until a few days ago.

In the end, my complete _lack_ of getting vaccinated will allow me to live well beyond 100.

Snopes is not trustworthy.

Even CNN sometimes reports facts, even if by accident.

"Politifact", lol, as if I would trust a site with "Politician" and "Fact" combined into one word. 🤣


Conspiracy theory: Biden won the election.

Good job Kanye.

We don't see any aliens... because... we are the aliens. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

Conspiracy Theory: The democrat party is destroying itself on purpose. The election fraud was committed in the most _obvious_ way and they want to get caught.

democrat --> dem
panic --> pan + ic
pan + dem + ic


People often call me a boomer, but like, my _grandparents_ were boomers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What if he posted it now and it time travelled to tomorrow?

❗This claim about the devil is disputed.

The term "conspiracy theory" was invented to discredit the truth. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

Even Jesus himself doesn't know. <:thinking:726878987837636698>


The Great Reset = New World Order = Covid-19

I can't wait to get my "I survived the fake pandemic of 2020" T-shirt.

Build Back Better.

Klaus Schwab is a human pile of trash.

```Covid is a joke, not that it needs to be stated again lol

When I had it, I never got tested but knew I had it since I had temporarily lost both taste and smell.```If you had flu symptoms, it was the flu. If you had no symptoms aside from the loss of taste/smell, you still didn't have the imaginary "covid". A zinc deficiency is well-known to cause a loss of taste and smell.

Covid-19 does not exist. All we've done... is take a bunch of pre-existing illnesses such as flu/common cold/pneumonia, and rebranded it as "covid-19". The myth of "completely asymptomatic cases" is still circulating as well.

If you can "catch" this "virus" and are "completely asymptomatic", then the "virus" _has not been proven_ to cause the illness. Scientific results must be 100% reproducible, and in the case of this fake pandemic, we cannot reliably reproduce the results, and therefore the hypothesis has been proven wrong.

Germ theory is false, despite what doctors tell us. If disease truly "spread" by "jumping" from person to person, then we would see the disease spread very slowly. Instead, what we actually see, is the "virus" allegedly appearing everywhere at the same time.

We have also observed areas that had a full lockdown failed to have _any effect_ on the supposed disease. This pretty much debunks germ theory. If a 2-week lockdown, 1-month lockdown, or even a 6-month lockdown has no effect, then we know that our theory is _wrong._ <:thinking:726878987837636698>

Instead, to know the real truth of how disease works, we look to _terrain theory._

Flat Earth is not a conspiracy though. It's just an old theory that was debunked by measurement and _actual space travel._

And basic observations, like the concept of "the horizon", how there are things you cannot see because they are hidden by the curvature of the planet.

Flat Earthers actually do not exist. <:thinking:726878987837636698>
They are just trolls and peddling Flat Earth nonsense for laughs.

"The Flat Earth society has members **all around the globe.**"


Sometimes I meet one of these Flat Earth trolls in real life, and I ask them if they can take me to the edge of the Flat Earth, so I can jump off into SPAAACE or whatever. They just give up and walk away.

I wonder what "flat Earth" trolls think of compasses and the Earth's magnetic field. 🤔

True. Alaska was purchased from Russia for about 2 cents per acre.

```Some are so attached, that they believe the earth to be flat, as Bible passages were read to them by someone they resonated with..```...what? No, the Bible does not support the flat Earth "theory".

That just sounds like _actual facts_ to me.

Covid-19 is the fake pandemic being used as cover for all kinds of things.

Election fraud, Great Reset, communism, etc.

2020-11-26 11:34:25 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Alright, new game. Everything is offensive. Offend as many people as possible. <:thinking:726878987837636698>

People are getting sick, like they always do, but suddenly we are documenting it, raising "numbers", labeling it "covid-19", pretending it's a "new disease", with symptoms _identical_ to the common flu.

How convenient that this totally-not-a-flu is identical to the flu, so that _everybody_ who gets sick from now until the end of time is "covid", and somehow this is justification for giving the government more power, controlling every aspect of our lives, destroying small businesses.

Unless we take a stand against this hoax, the PLANdemic will never end. Covid-19 was planned in advance (Event 201) and is a thinly veiled cover for the New World Order, AKA The Great Reset. But don't take _my_ word for it, take it from the World Economic Forum. They said it, not me.

Anybody who still refuses to consider this hiding-in-plain-sight _actual conspiracy_ is a sleepy sheep.

Also, look around you. Despite reports of "tons of cases" yadda yadda, and "deaths" blah blah blah... do you see people dropping dead in the streets? Do you _see_ this "pandemic" anywhere except for TV and news?

If you had never heard of covid, never heard of this pandemic, if you completely avoided the news... would you even be able to see the pandemic? Would you notice it, would you observe it?

My conclusion is that it's a fraud, just like Joe Biden's vote count.


The question is not whether or not viruses are fake, that isn't the question. Viruses do exist, we've seen them under a microscope.

Also, follow the money. "Big Pharma" doesn't generally make money off of healthy people.

If you're not familiar with terrain theory, now is the time to learn about it. It's important to consider _all_ possible theories about what actually causes disease.

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