Message from @Shadow town

Discord ID: 801455441858658304

2021-01-20 14:15:11 UTC  

No, you're on the right... you would never believe the right is pushing the same violence you accuse the left off. Just as someone on the left wouldnt

2021-01-20 14:15:17 UTC  

Be wary of what you learn in school.

2021-01-20 14:15:18 UTC  

you give them too much credit

2021-01-20 14:15:19 UTC  

Yeah cause we’re all fucked and overrated, I think I’m gonna be sick and it’s your fault this is the end of everything THIS IS THE END OF EVERY THIIINNNGGG

2021-01-20 14:15:47 UTC  

if biden ends up fucking up the country lets just let all the "moderates" who voted for him lay in that bed

2021-01-20 14:15:53 UTC  

Guys its done where stuck with sleepy Joe for 4 years

2021-01-20 14:15:53 UTC  

Y'all literally have to invent sources of right wing violence. That's proof positive we aren't the problem

2021-01-20 14:16:00 UTC  

Says the pineapple pizza man

2021-01-20 14:16:10 UTC  

I found this quote a few weeks ago. I think its fitting for our current situation

2021-01-20 14:16:13 UTC  

Says the brain dead man

2021-01-20 14:16:32 UTC  

im so sad watching trumps last speech

2021-01-20 14:16:36 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:16:41 UTC  

Last time I check we aren’t the ones saying people should be put on a list and in prison camps for their beliefs and we didn’t support murder of children and we didn’t burn down cities

2021-01-20 14:16:47 UTC  

if you are hoping biden fucks up the country , youd be pretty similar to some of the loud folk on the left who never gave trump a chance. Just saying. we gotta be better.

2021-01-20 14:16:52 UTC  

Self-reliance is the only road to true freedom, and being one's own person is its ultimate reward.

2021-01-20 14:17:03 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:17:07 UTC  

We saw the left excuse, condone and promote destroying cities all last summer, then a handful of people are LET into the capitol building by security controlled by Democrats and the whole damned democrat party loses its shit and build walls around the capitol.

2021-01-20 14:17:23 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:17:34 UTC  

good bye america biden gets in we are all screwed

2021-01-20 14:17:38 UTC  

I think he will be back. Not as president, but maybe starting his own media company.

2021-01-20 14:17:47 UTC  

Witch is a dictator move

2021-01-20 14:17:56 UTC  

I'd like nothing better for him to turn out to be a good president, but I highly doubt that he will given his history.

2021-01-20 14:18:05 UTC  

that wont do much biden will shut it down

2021-01-20 14:18:08 UTC  

Trump isn’t going anywhere. The man ain’t gonna go down quietly.

2021-01-20 14:18:13 UTC  

fuck in online class and everyone is talking about the inauguration

2021-01-20 14:18:20 UTC  

yeah i doubt it but I will take everything as it comes. Not much else we can do.

2021-01-20 14:18:27 UTC  

I've literally heard people in this server say they need to overthrow the government, kill democrats and often saying things along the lines of fighting groups of people...

2021-01-20 14:18:30 UTC  

Tell them they have damned us all

2021-01-20 14:18:39 UTC  

You thought people *wouldn't talk about it?*

2021-01-20 14:18:42 UTC  

Oh no... #BLM Antifa Marxist memes channel got shut down 😦

2021-01-20 14:18:43 UTC  

He should fund conservative/populist candidates and platforms, like Soros does for the left

2021-01-20 14:18:47 UTC  

Its a step

2021-01-20 14:18:51 UTC  


2021-01-20 14:19:06 UTC  

Idk how much I believe that from a liberal because you people lie all the time

2021-01-20 14:19:15 UTC  

Im not a liberal?

2021-01-20 14:19:32 UTC  

that would be so badass

2021-01-20 14:19:39 UTC  

Yes but most of the time it’s joking or we just don’t go through with it

2021-01-20 14:19:53 UTC  

No, you're a leftist, I like liberals

2021-01-20 14:20:05 UTC  

I am either blind or you are delusional

2021-01-20 14:20:06 UTC  

Seems like it
Also we aren’t in power you guys are and your making serious threats towards us like the nàzis

2021-01-20 14:20:20 UTC  

no ive heard people say things like that as well.