F5 tornado

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Sorry to butt in, I just want a opinion: is the Century VSKA reliable? Bought one out of fear for the next 4+ years, as it was one of the cheaper options at the store I got it from (was looking for a rifle specifically)

That's the thing.. I just got it, so I've yet to put some rounds through it. I've looked online and its reception is mixed.. Some people hate it just because it is Century, while others love it and put it near the top of their AK lists. Obviously I won't know until I fire it, but the biggest issue I've seen with the early VSKA batches was varied distance in ejected rounds; which, given the serial mine has, shouldn't be an issue

So far none of my other guns have given me issues, and I'm hoping that continues with this one

Saw that, hehe

2020-12-16 15:53:56 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Can't wait

I'm just waiting for a front to start

Then I'll get my gear and fight

Wow what a coincidence, I did too

2020-12-17 05:57:44 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

I never did homework, kek

2020-12-17 05:59:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

They said I'd fail

I got good grades during what time I went to college and am on the way to managing a small retail store, soooo

2020-12-17 06:01:04 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

I do wish I could go back through school with the mind I have now, though

2020-12-17 06:01:50 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

Just to appreciate things as they were a bit more, since you never do as a child

2020-12-17 06:04:10 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general-2]  

👁️ 👄 👁️

Yeah, learned that the hard way. Bought a surplus desktop for $125 from my college of all places, with the intent to upgrade a few parts in it and start using it as a gaming PC. Come to find that with the variant it is, adding a fancy graphics card could overload the board.

At least I have a nice desktop for standard use at home

Wait a hot minute

Optiplex 7010

I bought a Optiplex 7020. I need a refresher since it is late for me. DT? Is that full or small size?

I'll have to figure out which variant I have, then.. My dream of a PC that runs more than Minecraft may not be so distant after all

Through a quick glance, it seems I may have SFF

I miss my Windows '98 MT tho ;-;

Knowing I have SFF, is it possible to upgrade the graphics card after all?

That's literally all the components I wanted to upgrade: RAM, hard drive, and graphics

And I obviously added a PCIE chip so I don't run a Ethernet cable through the house

Rip, was just about to ask which you recommend

To be honest.. I realized as soon as I bought it that what I wanted to do wasn't going to happen with this one; which was basically running things like Saints Row or Halo on it

Oh I'm aware

Which is a shame because 2 is arguably the best

I loved everything that wasn't Gat out of Hell

Would the GT 1030 be able to run Saints Row 4: Re-elected specifically? I know with that one the graphics had better resolution than standard SR 4

And if so, is it safe to assume I could run the others?

I _think_ i7, but I could be wrong

What I'd truly like to do is essentially port my Xbox data to PC. I got rid of Xbox because I hated the constant changing layouts and the move towards making Gamepass as the online subscription, but I played it since 2007. I'm now curious as to whether this same setup I'm contemplating with here (that apparently can run SR4) would run other games like Halo MCC. I doubt it, but I guess it's worth asking

I think they've made the cross platform transfer a thing.. Or at least have the PC run as if it were an Xbox

Maybe I'm not informed enough on it

Good news for me

So maybe I can upgrade it for its original purpose after all

The biggest one I can think of that I may end up wanting is Halo 5.. How does it handle there?

I think they did add its own component on PC at some point

But I'm just referring to everything in the base game on its own

One can hope. I'll confirm what cpu I have later, and go from there

I think it's 8 rn. I wanted to upgrade to at least 16 if/when I made it a gaming PC

Exactly why I planned on 16

So 16 gb RAM, I guess GT 1030 for graphics, and I'll have to find a hard drive with decent storage

Or I may go further and take the RAM to 32 gb

I mean I do enjoy modding Minecraft

I'll think about it. I want performance above all else.. No hiccups, crashes, etc.

O boi is this revelation exciting.

At the same time though, I'm not sure how often I'll play them. The vast majority of my game library is SNES and earlier

That includes a 4-switch Atari 2600 I personally fixed up to play

I'm talking about physical copies; I own the actual systems. I got rid of the Xbox to focus on expanding my collection to that end

Does anyone know if gun parts can be mailed directly to your house? Not looking for a "ghost gun", just want to add a piece to my Mossberg

I'm just looking for a heat shield for my Mossberg


I just wasn't sure if I could have it delivered at home or had to go through a gun dealer

2020-12-18 05:40:53 UTC [Zeducation #💪|military-war]  

Not just the military.. Pretty much _all_ of Britain

Or mentally unstable

~~ATF wants to know your location~~

_Ruby Ridge noises_

I wouldn't try it

2020-12-21 16:53:53 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

No free speech zone

2020-12-21 16:57:01 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

You don't think they'll try to scrub this server just because it's pro-Trump in the first place? kek

2020-12-21 17:07:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-12-21 17:11:51 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Starting a new country from secession sounding better every day

2020-12-21 17:12:58 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

To that I say: bring it. I'm willing to die a free man at this point. The censorship is not worth it

2020-12-21 17:23:29 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

So where do we migrate to now?

Can't you buy phased out military equipment, including tanks?

I'm a "collector"


2020-12-21 21:29:47 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Doesn't matter who's (s)elected.. The swamp will get who it wants to ruin what's left of our nation

2020-12-21 21:31:12 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

That's how it goes

2020-12-21 21:31:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  

Liberals are so open minded, though!

2020-12-21 21:32:21 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-12-21 21:32:37 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


2020-12-21 21:32:46 UTC [Zeducation #💬|general]  


I've _heard_ (haven't tried for myself) that the Hi-Point 995TS is a good option

Hence, "heard"

2020-12-25 04:16:11 UTC [Zeducation #🗽|murica-memes]  


No bullets for me today.. Made me the big sad

Or _what is_ that gun? 👀

Dang. If it were a real gun I would seek one out in a heartbeat

Wasn't aware. Still more or less a newbie to guns, so haven't branched out beyond what I've found in local stores <a:trash_party:792133052956147712>

Aye, hurricanes aren't too bad here if you don't live on the coast

I'd much rather endure a hurricane over a tornado any day. Besides, hurricanes usually don't cause significant flooding provided they don't stall out.

Have one just like that

That butt tho

Is it one of those ultra modified "safety" guns?


Or we can invade and make it great again

.22 AR style rifle, reeeeeeeeee

I actually did see a .22LR AR-15 style rifle in my area. Pretty funny sight

2020-12-30 03:50:42 UTC [Zeducation #📣|meme-talk]  

This one doing me a r/whoosh, so I need context


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