Discord ID: 754396443728674987
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dont worry people we wont lose this fight trump is going to whip biden ass you will see
i wouldnt worry about it
even if biden wins he cant do much because i think we won the senate
people its not the end of the world if biden wins but we need to stand and protest and fight for this country
its like our vote doesnt count anymore thats what makes me mad
right now its hard mode
trump will win i know it
he may see mbut once he finds them all guilty jail time will be needed
we need hope
i have a video im going to send a link to you all soon please watch it when i send it soon
this country is not all corrupt i think there are more trump voters out there biden just has more votes because he cheated
fox news has betrayed us
fox news has pretty much joinned the demas
people talking on discord isnt going to solve anything we all need to go out into the streets and telll the american people
its like when trump is getting Arizona biden gets pennsylvania how super close biden you prob got thousands of mailed in votes that prob came in midnight
i beat texas will trun blue some how
turn blue
dont worry people trump will win during court who cares if all these states turn blue its fraud if you look at trumps rallies in the pas he got thousands coming but when you look at bidens rallies in the past he got like 5 lol
you know why biden might take georgia is because they threw out military votes that were all for trump
the dems threw out trump military votes
i think this is so wrong for our country its bad theses dems all of them the dem party needs to go to hell
i know
it just shows you how bad the dems are throwing away military votes thats like really bad those peopel fought for our country
at least we know that the military is on our side but if biden gets in they have to follow his orders
people watch this video i sent
peopel watch this please
you know what biden doesnt have he doesnt have prays
yes trump is going to win but we need to fight we need to speak people
we cant let the dems get away with cheating we need to fight we need to speak
i wouldnt say that we need to do our part
trump shoulnt have to do it all
we need to stand with him
and fight for our freedom
we need to stand for trump and fight this cheating we can just let trump do it all we need to do our part
im not going to sit on my ass any more im going to do something you people watch
i dont want war but it may come in the future
we have the right to stand for what we stand for the dems are trying to take our freedom we cant let that happen its like our votes dont matter sure if the dems won fair and didnt cheat i would be a little upset but then just let the day go by but since they are cheating im going to fight so hard that my ass burns
to be honest the dems are hitler look at what they are doing
you know whats going to happen if biden wins they are just going to use him as a puppet
im done texting im going to fight for this country we need to speak to the people come on bye
jesus with guns ?
i think jesus weapon is the rosary
to be honest
corn pop was a bad dude
+play joe biden i got hairy legs
i got hairy legs that that turn blonde in the sun
corn pop
i know
no joe acts like a baby if anything
corn pop !!!!
wow trump is destroying biden in rap
lol hairy legs
i have hairy legs
im going to have a stroke
bidens love song lol
is this yoda
loving it
!play yoda bad lip reading song seagulls
this one is pretty good
i gtg ill join in a bit
so stricked jeez
ok i get we all make mistakes
its not a big deal
thhe trump gang isnt over yet
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