Message from @Codybear

Discord ID: 797955697870503966

2021-01-10 22:24:32 UTC  

@Maw I heard about this prophecy when I was a kid... Now it all makes sense.

2021-01-10 22:24:45 UTC  

LOL.... oh I doubt it

2021-01-10 22:25:03 UTC  

We're trying to discuss it. It doesn't seem overly credible though.

2021-01-10 22:25:53 UTC  

> Maw if you watch it it states Flynn will be his running partner
@Codybear another election?

2021-01-10 22:27:12 UTC  

Well I have been hearing bits and pieces for weeks. Now it kinda makes since. I think Trump is 5 steps ahead like always

2021-01-10 22:27:37 UTC  

Look... not all claims are worth more than a cursory "lol, whatever"..... I would not take it personal. I don't think that is how it is meant.
I mean.... how much time should intelligent humans really give topics like "5G is really just mind control"?

2021-01-10 22:27:47 UTC  

That's fine and all, but if he's been that far ahead for all this time, why is he where he is today?

2021-01-10 22:27:51 UTC  

I'm going to throw ths in... I've never heard anyone in real life talking about Q.

2021-01-10 22:27:57 UTC  

Only on the internet.

2021-01-10 22:28:18 UTC  

As conservative voices are silenced, these sorts of theories will flourish.

2021-01-10 22:28:38 UTC  

If Biden gets arrested and Trump is retained as president or yes in 2024 or what ever. Yes that is what I'm saying

2021-01-10 22:28:39 UTC  

And I think that might actually be part of somebody's plan.

2021-01-10 22:29:02 UTC  

I don't know what conservative voices are being silenced because I don't f*** around on social media..

2021-01-10 22:29:05 UTC  

Why would Trump remain president if Biden's arrested?

2021-01-10 22:29:22 UTC  

I’m very open to discussing and considering anything. I think the world is far crazier than we can even imagine.

2021-01-10 22:29:37 UTC  

Likewise. In fact, I learned about it from the left-wing media’s constant coverage of it.

2021-01-10 22:29:58 UTC  

See... and I think its just the opposite. That moronic pizzagate almost got people killed. There were Qanon nutbags in that crowd that breached the capital.

2021-01-10 22:30:12 UTC  

Q is nutty misinformation.

2021-01-10 22:30:45 UTC  

Wow that videos legit which I think is

2021-01-10 22:30:54 UTC  

Insurrection act I acted

2021-01-10 22:31:03 UTC  

@busillis. I have and I have heard the President saying it.

2021-01-10 22:31:26 UTC  

Good thing I don't listen...

2021-01-10 22:32:02 UTC  

I heared he was moved to a bunker in Texas

2021-01-10 22:32:09 UTC  


2021-01-10 22:32:10 UTC  

The president

2021-01-10 22:32:14 UTC  

y tho

2021-01-10 22:32:18 UTC  

Would he be in Texas

2021-01-10 22:32:18 UTC  

It's lies.

2021-01-10 22:32:20 UTC  

Shits hitting fan

2021-01-10 22:32:33 UTC  


2021-01-10 22:32:37 UTC  

Italy gate is leget

2021-01-10 22:32:42 UTC  

I remember learning about the Pizzagate stuff. The art was very weird but the allegations were too wild. The Q stuff came later after Pizzagate fizzled out.

2021-01-10 22:32:46 UTC  

He has one in D.C and

2021-01-10 22:32:47 UTC

2021-01-10 22:32:48 UTC  

Is there.

2021-01-10 22:32:49 UTC  

Leonardo satilites

2021-01-10 22:33:03 UTC  

That's in Colorado.

2021-01-10 22:33:10 UTC  


2021-01-10 22:33:15 UTC  

dude it's fake.

2021-01-10 22:33:17 UTC  

Yes. I am aware. Hence including the location.

2021-01-10 22:33:34 UTC  

I thought the conspiracy wheels were turning on a bunker in Texas sorry.