Message from @osok

Discord ID: 797292935791247360

2021-01-07 23:55:34 UTC  

I trust you protect his identity

2021-01-08 00:02:18 UTC  

I’m against what they did mainly because it’s illegal and can be used against Republicans (and because I don’t want police nor protestors hurt). My personal feelings on what happened though? They’re different.

2021-01-08 00:43:32 UTC  

Good, Republicans suck. Hopefully they won't take power again for a generation.

2021-01-08 01:10:37 UTC  

How you like it?

2021-01-08 02:18:46 UTC  

@Maw hey. Could you create a chat for coronavirus discussion or is that something that should stay in general chat?

2021-01-08 02:32:05 UTC  

For now we can talk about that in general, sure. We'll see if we need to make a separate channel for it.

2021-01-08 02:40:55 UTC  

Thank you.

2021-01-08 16:43:46 UTC

2021-01-08 17:07:01 UTC  

@LairdZach this type of opinion is part of why people are so upset by painting entire groups as bad, they are left as outsiders as unwanted, as unwashed barbarians. In history this always goes badly sooner or later people stand up out of simple self preservation.

2021-01-08 17:08:59 UTC  

Maybe they should take a bath and learn Latin.

2021-01-08 17:10:43 UTC  

The video states it is private nobody can watch it.

2021-01-08 20:59:33 UTC  

Wish the video was not private

2021-01-08 21:09:27 UTC  

@Zerb @Shifrah well that totally sucks, I put it up the minute I watched it - extremely interesting - wonder why they took it down

2021-01-08 21:09:27 UTC  

@Hideiho22, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-08 21:17:56 UTC  

it is still up - found it - go to

2021-01-09 02:37:28 UTC  

how funny would it be if trump left office like it was done on Dave Chappelle for President - Chappelle’s Show start at 8:16 ...

2021-01-09 03:13:32 UTC  

Love Chappell but he did have a musician on one of his shows whose chosen song contained words President and assassinate. I stopped watching. But hilarious here

2021-01-09 06:54:29 UTC  

Black Lives Matter activist who stormed Capitol previously called for violent coup against Trump | Sharyl Attkisson
What do you think?

2021-01-09 16:23:05 UTC  

Newsweek: Author Don Winslow Offers $20,000 Reward to Find Capitol Officer Who Posed for Selfie with Rioters.

2021-01-09 20:39:05 UTC  

Can we talk about these law suits????

2021-01-10 16:40:02 UTC  

Big surprise.

2021-01-10 17:30:19 UTC  

What a bunch of BS!! They were peaceful not burning and rioting a police precinct

2021-01-10 17:32:04 UTC  

The mistake the protesters made was not making the place a CHAZ!

2021-01-10 21:45:27 UTC  

I’m sorry, but Inslee sucks!!! Worst Governor ever!

2021-01-10 23:10:21 UTC  

That is just not true. I submit the entire last 50 years of Illinois governers as clear proof otherwise.

2021-01-11 05:04:28 UTC  

I use to live in Bellingham.. I lived there from 2007 to 2010. When I left, it was normal to see a couple homeless here and there.. I went back and visited Nov 2019 and there were sooo many homeless people! Trash and tents in bushes everywhere! It was even worse in Seattle, riding the light rail and there were tents and trash in nearly every cluster of bushes I saw. It was really sad and everyone I talked to blamed it on the State Government and Inslee.

2021-01-12 02:37:44 UTC  

@Tresed, you just advanced to level 1!

2021-01-12 02:37:59 UTC

2021-01-12 15:17:26 UTC  

Do they still need a warrant for wiretapping then?

2021-01-12 15:44:52 UTC  

I will have to read the article and the case. But I am sure its about the expectation of privacy on the internet.
I could be wrong but I dont think that article has to do with wiretapping.... rather they just get information on the websites you have been visiting.

Still sketchy as fuck, IMO. We SHOULD be able to have some expectation of privacy .....

If I were the arguing the case I would suggest that the internet is now a means of communication similar to picking up your phone and calling or texting a friend - And they definitely have to get a warrant for that sort of stuff.

2021-01-12 15:46:15 UTC  

Or writing a letter. You can see who’s it for but can’t see the contents without a warrant

2021-01-12 15:52:27 UTC  

So I bet they are trying to say that that you have no expectation of privacy in regards to your "google searches" and the sites that you visit. But that you do have an expectation of privacy in your email.

But then what about direct messenger or groups like this?

Obviously, when you post a comment on a public website or on a FB timeline then you know going in that lots of people and maybe even people you don't know are likely to see it - so that I can see... but to track the sites you visit? I don't share my "google searches" with everyone and I think its reasonable for me to expect my privacy in that regard.