Message from @Watching the Watchers

Discord ID: 798104642063040522

2021-01-11 07:52:33 UTC  

@hollywoo685, you just advanced to level 2!

2021-01-11 07:53:24 UTC  

I realize that impresses a certain type of person but not me.

2021-01-11 07:54:08 UTC  

Did you follow him on twitter or just believe what you were told?

2021-01-11 07:55:23 UTC  

Truth doesn't care about your feelings. If you believe his twitter was appalling then you aren't a man. Period

2021-01-11 07:56:48 UTC  

That's a lot to unpack. However, it isn't necessary. I wasn't asking permission to have opinions about Trump's policies.

2021-01-11 07:59:23 UTC  

Why can't any biden voter get past that? What policy is unacceptable?

2021-01-11 08:00:19 UTC  

He closed the wealth gap for God's sake

2021-01-11 08:05:10 UTC  

A big pile of them, actually. The ones I dislike the most are repealing all of the EPA and SEC regulations, tax rewards for wealthy people with no obligation to reinvest domestically and science denial informing decisions about virology (and climatology, for that matter). Again, not asking permission.

And to your point, there is a price to pay for smash and grab economics.

2021-01-11 08:06:37 UTC  

Although I'm not even sure what you mean by 'closing the wealth gap.' I just took it as a general economy claim.

2021-01-11 08:11:58 UTC  

Do you know the benefits of repealing the EPA and SEC regulations?Do you know the tax rewards for the wealthy with bidens policies? You have everything completely backwards. Republican policies are about the republic, the people. The democrat policies are all about democracy, the government. Please find different places for information. From both sides. Then make a choice about who would be best for this country.

2021-01-11 08:14:34 UTC  

I am always finding new sources and am satisfied with how I arrived at my decisions in this case. It is not my first rodeo.

2021-01-11 08:15:57 UTC  

Do you have a 401k?

2021-01-11 08:16:17 UTC  

Unless you're suggesting that as a product of what information cocktail I selected, my ideology would be different. Then we would disagree fundamentally, before even getting to details.

2021-01-11 08:16:52 UTC  

And there is the problem

2021-01-11 08:17:05 UTC  

Do tell...

2021-01-11 08:19:17 UTC  

You select certain places get info based on your ideology rather than listening to many different ideologies

2021-01-11 08:20:28 UTC  

Do I? You can tell that solely by the handful of my opinions which I've bothered to offer?

2021-01-11 08:21:15 UTC  

By the same measure, I would suggest you're projecting.

2021-01-11 08:21:46 UTC  

But I'm going to bed. Good talk though.

2021-01-11 08:22:54 UTC  

I see the msm brainwashing on only 1 of your comments. Tells me all I need to know. The EPA was a dead giveaway.

2021-01-11 08:22:54 UTC  

@hollywoo685, you just advanced to level 3!

2021-01-11 08:24:55 UTC  

Completely wrong. USA now produces the lowest amount of emissions in the world. THANKS TO FRACKING. But the globalist can't have an energy independent country they lose too much money that way.

2021-01-11 10:45:27 UTC  

Large rallies are not the end all of campaigning especially if your side of the aisle takes a pandemic seriously and independents take the pandemic seriously. A key factor is ad spending in swing states to get your message out. Biden had effective ads and ran them in the right places with the lots of money he raised. Trump funneled 600 million from his campaign to a shell corporation for personal gain. Trump supporters can brag about Trumps little outings all he wants but none of them had the scope of replacing hundreds in millions in ads especially as he needed to reach independents who wouldn’t be at his rallies out of a pandemic not his hardcore supporters he already won over.

2021-01-11 14:28:47 UTC  

Twitter stock is down big.... This might be an excellent time to buy the dip. I would wait and see what it does in the first 2 hours of the market as RobinHood traders and the like will sell off a bit (This is obviously a result of Trump getting booting, but also profit-takers and driving it down because TWTR has added several points over the past couple months.

2021-01-11 15:09:41 UTC  

Did anyone buy the TWTR dip? If so you are already up 10%. Moving this from a day trade to swing... rip up might continue

2021-01-11 15:11:17 UTC  

CRAP.... wrong server... Im an idiot sorry

2021-01-11 15:13:24 UTC  

Lol screw Twitter, buy the Bitcoin, cardano, and link dip.

2021-01-11 15:13:42 UTC  

It's the markets response to Twitter's role in the silencing free speech and the millions that left them

2021-01-11 15:15:10 UTC  

Twitter has shown extreme fundamental flaws as a speech platform for the future, whereas the crypto dips are mere corrections due to over leverage 😏

2021-01-11 15:19:13 UTC  

Well ya.... that is the reason it fell. But I bought more and since I bought it I am up 12%.

I just screwed up and posted that in here instead of a Trading Server that I am in.....

2021-01-11 15:20:43 UTC  

See... that big red candle and the green one immediately to it's right is what is referred to as a "double bottom" and typically means the stock is going to make a reversal and climb. Which is why I bought more shares

2021-01-11 15:21:33 UTC  

The fundamentals can’t be ignored though. Twitter is in serious trouble from a perspective of growth and adoption.

2021-01-11 15:25:28 UTC  

I doubt it.
Also its only real competition also dumped Trump AND more importantly that Parler App has shot itself in the foot by allowing people to incite violence and as a result no one wants to put Parler in their appstores

2021-01-11 15:25:34 UTC  

And that helps Twitter

2021-01-11 15:53:45 UTC  

You do know that Twitter has also allowed (and arguably promotes through inaction) people and posts to incite violence, AND its members give out actual personally identifiable information at the same time, not to mention addresses and other info gained through doxxing? Twitter, Amazon, and Facebook pulling these heinous stunts are only silencing any forms of competition to further solidify their hold on the social media/online service markets. Target competition using the "moral" high ground and the "just cause", while conveniently ignoring the exact same actions happening on you own turf.

2021-01-11 15:55:00 UTC  

Good for you

2021-01-11 16:07:49 UTC  

I have no doubt that there are people on Twitter that do very shitty things all the time. I have also seen Twitter remove people from doing those very shitty things - which is their right.

But.... and I really think that you are glossing over this fact:

The more power a person possess, the higher office they hold and the larger following they have - the more their words matter.

So to equate what you or I say on Twitter with that of the leader of the free world is a bit ridiculous. Of course, the same rules should apply to everyone
As Stan Lee has been telling us for years "With great power comes great responsibility."

2021-01-11 16:08:36 UTC  

For the record I do not think that I am morally superior to you or anyone else, for that matter.

However, once we agree on some form of Objective Morality (which is very difficult in and of itself) then we can judge the morality or immorality of certain positions, opinions, policies and actions.

Just because lots of Trumpsters support separation of families at the border and that I do not support it does not necessarily mean that I am morally superior.

But, I do make the argument that my position/opinions on that matter is morally superior to the position of separating families at the border.

We MUST make judgment calls on a daily basis. Many of those choices or judgments have a moral element. But we do need to try to only address the morality of the position, opinion, policy or action and not necessarily the person who holds them.

2021-01-11 16:13:05 UTC  

Not just do, but say. Twitter has an exponential amount of individuals who commit the same actions that go unpunished. To stick to the Stan Lee comment, Twitter has failed to exercise their responsibility to stamp that stuff out with all the power they have gained (and it is ***SUBSTANTIAL*** power). Enough to influence elections even by information suppression. So I do acknowledge that high profile, high power, high visibility people are given greater weight in their words and actions, but also like you said, the standards should apply to everyone. What we are seeing now is a biased and uneven application of said standards directly due to those who hold such powerful positions.

To the second reply, I can get behind that thinking. Agree on common ground first then work from there. Tough like you said, but I can support methods along that line of thinking.

2021-01-11 16:17:55 UTC  

So when you are saying that Twitter has banned Trump while ignoring the same type of comments from others.... can you give me some specific examples?

Again, we agree that its rather obvious that Trump's Tweets carry more weight and as such draw more attention. But do you have any examples of similarly situated people who have sent out the same or similar type Tweets as Trump - but received no reprimand?