Message from @Ender87

Discord ID: 797367402424827954

2021-01-09 07:28:09 UTC  

Monsanto/Roundup, Tyson, and others especially. Have their workers and aliens wrapped around their fingers

2021-01-09 07:28:22 UTC  

I agree.

2021-01-09 07:28:27 UTC  

I suggest watching Food Inc

2021-01-09 07:28:35 UTC  

I've seen it.

2021-01-09 07:28:43 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:29:52 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:30:00 UTC  

Also not vegan

2021-01-09 07:30:03 UTC  

Reminder that Twitter is gay.

2021-01-09 07:30:16 UTC  

Twitter is really gay

2021-01-09 07:30:26 UTC  

Oftentimes literally

2021-01-09 07:30:36 UTC  

Twitter is sooo fucking ***GAY***.

2021-01-09 07:30:50 UTC  

I just deleted my Twitter account.

2021-01-09 07:30:58 UTC  

like 30 mins ago.

2021-01-09 07:31:11 UTC  

The virgin GAY Twitter vs The Chad BASED Parler

2021-01-09 07:31:31 UTC  

Twitter is *lesbian* <:LeoDecaprio:768140752525852742>

2021-01-09 07:32:04 UTC  

Twitter's CEO is literally gay and cringe and a soyboy.

2021-01-09 07:32:16 UTC  

and a hobo

2021-01-09 07:32:30 UTC  

Yeah he definitely looks like that, lol.

2021-01-09 07:32:39 UTC  

Dems already trying to get more power with the storming of the capitol
Trying to make DC a state
Get national guard at dc for an undeterminate duration
And fucking a comission to ''Why was the respond to the capitol less violent then this summer'' cause yeah shooting on someone is less violent than tear gassing for a reason

2021-01-09 07:32:43 UTC  

Twitter's CEO is that Jihadist warlord looking dude, right?

2021-01-09 07:33:23 UTC  

with the insane beard

2021-01-09 07:33:34 UTC  

and nose ring

2021-01-09 07:33:40 UTC  

Probably a Jew.

2021-01-09 07:33:58 UTC  

LMAO funny one

2021-01-09 07:34:17 UTC  

Probably a creep.

2021-01-09 07:34:22 UTC  

This stamens is retarded, I do t even know how to start. Nation one wants fish, nation 2 wants fur. Each nation gets what it wants and expands its wealth. It simple economics. Nations trade, get they want. So this gives your the question, do I value my “protection”. At the cost of not expanding my wealth. I have some problem with the protecting part

2021-01-09 07:34:32 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:34:59 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:36:10 UTC  

''Cause they stormed the capitol, we must make dc a state''
What the actual fuck

2021-01-09 07:36:24 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:36:50 UTC  

Twitter’s CEO gives me the weird vibes

2021-01-09 07:36:55 UTC  

Definitely not the good ones

2021-01-09 07:37:07 UTC  

When I call you out your will say your joking. This thing is implying that Jews are bad since your putting it with other negative things. I find this worrying. Anti Semitic joke should be making fun of the people that believe in nazi bullshit.

2021-01-09 07:38:04 UTC  

Dems pushing for anti domestic terrorist law

And make DC a state cause why not lmao

And create a comission to solve why this summer respond to ''protest'' was more violent

Cause you know shooting with real bullet is less violent than tear gas

2021-01-09 07:38:09 UTC  

Like white van and candy vibes?

2021-01-09 07:38:17 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:38:19 UTC  

It's retarded because your "simple" economics does not take into consideration a wide variety of special interests that might creep in during an economic deal between nations given their sociopolitical backgrounds as well as the policies they implement with their trade economics and workers. Making deals with England is not the same as making deals with Iran, and that's the issue. America First protectionism is about prioritizing what the American people as a working economy can provide for *her country* before they can even provide for others. Your comment again, misunderstands protectionism because you have really retarded assumptions of how it works and the role a government plays to her people and nation over other governed nations.

2021-01-09 07:38:23 UTC  

“It’s just a joke, I’m actually not anti Semitic”

2021-01-09 07:39:07 UTC  


2021-01-09 07:39:15 UTC  

So dumb. They used tear gas and everything. Do they even have the votes to make DC and Puerto Rico states?

2021-01-09 07:39:51 UTC  

Are you feeling more hopeful? You were pretty depressed on Tuesday night