Discord ID: 672559898088964109
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I think its more of an atonement thing.
I'm a Catholic, and if there's one thing the church is good at, its not teaching us all that well.
Went to a church weekly, babtized, CCD classes, Confirmation classes, Confirmed, still don't know the specifics.
I think the word they mean to use was "limbo," neither here nor there.
Better than the election.
Oooh I hope.
> "Trump calls ALL mexican low IQ"-latest headline
Trump called the few illegals who followed the catch and release precedure stupid, though.
> People are trying to blue pill me
What's a good blue server to lurk in?
The term "dog whistle" is a dog whistle.
But their organs are easily worth a couple grand...
> Anyone used to play Call of Duty Finest Hour?
@Coffee Addict Kermit Hell yeah! I also have Big Red One and COD: 3 for my PS2.
Remember the factory mission where you repel a bunch of Germans?
And the health pack slurping noise?
I'm taking an APUSH test in 2 hours. Pray for me.
Its not the *actual* test, but my teacher takes it pretty seriously.
He was one of about 5 teachers who could have in-person classes last quarter. The school won't touch this man's schedule, a national election won't touch this man's schedule.
He's the most respected teacher among students, and I think the guy's a legend.
He's officially retired, but he still teaches APUSH. I can't even find his contact information on the school website.
> Is anyone doing no shave november?
Yeah, but I didn't shave on the 31 of October, so I can't really measure growth accurately.
He's the first President to enter the White House supporting gay marriage.
Where should I watch?
> shit its a red Illinois
Don't get my hopes up. You serious?
Speaking of police, what are your guy's views of civil asset forfieture
@|||||Lexi||||| Not "Ban," just "defund"
I'm pretty happy, NGL.
> Trump got censored
@Crusty Cat Real shit?
> Probably be clear by tomorrow night. The media will want to hold it out until the weekend though. I am worried about PA given that they can accept ballots that are post marked up to three days after election day.
Get nonvoters on our side in PA real quick!
Pence should run in 2024, and just have Trump train him.
If Trump pulls a win through the courts, Dems would actually have a reason to doubt the election...
For once.
@yeti_steamroller He's seen how many a man's reputation has been trashed, and he holds the same views as Trump while explaining his position in an eloquent manner.
We need another unapologetic nationalist.
American prosperity over sucking up to foreign powers.
But how to cut them down to size?
"Unity Through Prosperity!"
I think Kamala would oust Biden after 2 years. Securing the senate would be easier without her in office, and she has the benefit of being encumbent for two elections.
How was Gemany pulled out of its depression after WW1?
@ErrantBelle What movie? Ping me if you know.
Any truth?
What is the Kraken?
Could all of that evidence be released to the public? Or will we just hear a verdict?
The third strike on Trump Tower symbolizes a swift decapitaion of fraud as Trump is given his rightful 2nd term.
Trump is writing his own epic, and we all have our part to play.
No. Now we wait and protect what we love when the results come out.
Hey. Could we annex some neighbors and truly become "Americans?"
Getting Nicaragua could open up making a new canal, bigger than the one we built in Panama.
You were liberal because you had a heart. Now we have brains.
There is no such thing as a "superior race," but I would argue that there are superior cultures.
The main issue with multiculturalism is that it says no one culture is better than another.
And demands that we accept them no matter what.
And tells tham that their beliefs (Even when they oppose our laws) are valid.
Nah. Just some have beliefs that oppose America's founding principles.
And those we embrace today.
Send them to Brazil?
/ s
I'd say that the founding principles of individual liberties and the concept of God-given rights are the main reason people of all races have oppertunities here today.
Are you referring to modern European immigrants?
That sounds like the work ethic I'd actuallly want to see in an immigrant...
*Legal immigrants
Same. Been nice talking.
Does it mean Catholic clergy hate Biden?
Is it the government's duty to regulate marriage?
Determine who you can and cannot marry.
But when did we priorize stability over freedom?
What in the Constitution prohibits gay marriage?
Constitutional interpretation is a mess...
Are you an originalist or a loose constructionist?
How can one be textual about natural law?
I'd say the "unchanging moral principles" definition is more applicable.
So what part does government or individual intervention have to play in preventing perverted actions?
What's the source?
I'm only seeing claims, not verdicts.
Time to buy gold and silver?
Nah, we just have to make happiness equal / s
What do they do to the losers in the Latinx Games? Sacrifice them?
Literally goes against trans views of sex.
IF we keep the senate.
A televised execution by firing squad wouldn't be "cruel and unusual," right?
But its not *our* tradition!
Last one standing gets their assets seized and 10 years in prision.
And perminant audit by the IRS
Helicopter ride!
They are ready, but will they begin?
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