Message from @IAmHiding
Discord ID: 454154515873005568
tell me how in the fuck these came up in my search results...
Fortnite is not trash
pure vile
dear fucking fukk
why people go mgtow
r u actually asking?
vaginas are weird looking enough, you aint gotta mention blood comes out of it and shit
no im not asking
Why do I imagine dugins chins length as the length of his beard
its all chin under that beard
please stop 😔
Y’all is something black people say
@shinjitsu bc they culturally appropriated it from the white man just like they did with nigger too
That a trap?
They use them in tandem
Y’all niggas
@shinjitsu whitest phrase ever
I went to an almost all black community college and the amount of times I heard “y’all niggas”
@shinjitsu where tho
Few towns away from where I liveb
@shinjitsu can u name state... if not just say whether its in the south or not
New England
its still a white southern slang
just like aint
But south big gay
city slickers rise up
yall aint worth a sack of beans