Message from @Sam Anderson
Discord ID: 518796595815251980
Tyrone is mad at me
Lol cool
Haha they’re grave digging and being mad online. Tyrone said that everyone should focus their energy on supporting fields because there’s no doubt that he’s innocent
IMO he will get some variation of a manslaughter charge
Bc charging murder is pushing it.
Either way do you think we need to expend political capital on this?
imo there is no doubt JFields is innocent of murder based on the fact that he was violently attacked and had guns brandished at him leading up to the crash when the bystander had a heart attack
dude was driving away from people beating his car and trying to kill him
let's not forget about the commie dude that posted on literal faceberg about how he aimed his rifle at JFields before the crash
It’s a winnable case. *But* saying it’s not politically risky to support him is moronic
Say you’re doxed. Would you want your dox to say “part of a group that supported James Alex Fields, blah blah blah buzzword?”
Dude has a public defender, and it’s not like all our tweets are being read out to the jury
our doxxes would of course already say that we supported JFields through our planning of UTR lol
which is inaccurate, but that's never stopped them so it certainly won't now
Exactly Nate. As much as our Twitter alts in a perfect world would like to talk about this. Its not feasible.
Like yeah if I use my shitpoast account I can totally beat the JLeft media!
twitter anon accounts have literally nothing to lose what? the official IE account shouldn't touch it for obvious reasons, but twitter alts defending him is easy af with zero cost or risk
And also little effect
not saying it'll swing the court case, i'm saying it's feasible and has zero downside with possible upside of continuing to spread the word, get our videos/pictures showing that unicorn riot dude pointing his rifle at JFields car, etc
and the video of all of them laying into the car with bats is damning against them
What is your twitter alt accomplishing, aside from creating strife? @Sam Anderson
And clearly you are shitposting as an IE member
Richards alt is maddd
This is a conversation that I hesitate to outright shut down, because I know how outraged this case makes some people. So I'm gonna ask, please leave the JAF case alone. He has nothing to do with us, and I don't want to see this chat get leaked as "in private, IE supports accused murderer James Alex Fields"
Alright fair enough bro.
I would personally delete the tweet that Tyrone quoted
JAF apologizing is a losing strategy. And there is no way to effect the trial from where we are anyways.
Those tweets need to be deleted, they are not professional. I agree. @NateDahl76
I mean yeah sure you demoralized them
But we gotta be careful what we say especially when openly presenting as IE members
Antagonizing right wing people while posing as an IE member is retarded. Even if we don't like that guy.
Nothing to be gained at all, literally could only hurt the organization.
Is that Richard?
he tweets like richard, jokingly assumed to be an alt, at the very least he's a sycophant of richard's