Message from @SwordX
Discord ID: 781369528276877333
Flynn is back in the game now
Miller is in place, military in place.
Yeah, if Trump and the Alliance have things positioned properly, which they say they do, nothing can stop them.
Even as odd as it is to think and say, the Supreme Court couldn’t stop it. @Nikiek2020 is correct, our world is about to change. Everything that we thought America to be will change, but for the better in the long run.
I’m so happy and proud to be a part of it with all my fellow patriots. I wish in a way I was back in the military right now, kinda feel useless sometimes lol
If you’ve served this country at any point, you’ll never be considered useless!
Means a lot to hear, thanks sweetie ❤️🙏
Redpill78 with
on dlive at 8 pm.
7:32 PM · Nov 25, 2020·Twitter Web App
Has anyone seen report that Meghan Markle had a miscarriage?
No. Interesting.
Is this old news? Says it happened in July..
Guessing it was reported about this when it happened? But she just wrote an op-ed on her story just now.
The Tide Turns
So it begins, the great turning of the tide. The waters are treacherous, my soul is calm...The Holy Spirit is with me.
Question for any of you that are Supreme Court experts..
Can a SC justice be investigated and removed? Or are they untouchable in a sense? Seems obvious that Roberts is compromised, possibly in a few ways. Has a justice ever been removed/replaced via this avenue? Or is the only way going to be that he’s offered a ‘Rommel’ death like McCain, etc?
To remove a supreme Court justice, they need to be impeached
I agree about Roberts
Was only done once before in 1805, Samuel chase was impeached but acquitted by Senate
Thanks Qrabbitt
CaptDerpus#8914 Has left! Cya! :raised_hand:
WWG1WGA 🙏💜🇺🇸🙌
I'd say the tide has turned
The meltdown is starting with the left oo
Already seeing whats going on with the military and some saying "its a COUP" already
Supreme Court can't be trusted -Joe Biden
When Sidney and Trump said they have them all he was serious. They had the Kraken 🙂
@SwordX like that's gonna happen. DS is out of luck. I'm thinking hes looking forward to a little payback..subconsciously, of course
Yeah I read Flynn is back and able to serve in full capacity, because of the type of pardon Trump used. Pardon with innocence or something along those lines. DS I suspect knows the tide is turning. They don't understand what our side has in its arcenal. Trump just unveiled the Kraken super computer. It tracked all voter fraud and dominion. They have a lot more.
Lin Wood warns that when the fraud fails to get them the country, they will turn to military action. Said taking the Presidency was never the main goal of the communists, and what will appear after to be a civil war will be a revolutionary war, and Trump is well prepared.