Message from @MattyBoyCx
Discord ID: 794055801185632306
Currency revaluation, QFS, gold backed currency
Walmart giving their .02
I think all of Wallmart's money and assets should go to rebuilding all the small businesses destroyed. Also Amazon's all Big Tech as well
After everyone is arrested, take the money of these super billionaires and give it back so the small businesses can rebuild
Replace giant online retail with thousands of small online retail too
Closer we get to 20th of Jan more scared Trump supporters are getting
Great idea
Wow, that’s a big tell from Walmart
Cant believe people still think Biden won
We’re going to have to step up VERY soon
Lin is going nuts on justice Robert
I love it.
Everyone is literally 😳
How long till he’s booted
Soon Trump will be
When things start, but then Twitter will go down, so who gets the last laugh?
New to this info and almost puked from the 5 mins of stuff I saw and read
Sadly it’s real
@MattyBoyCx wish I could
Emence information will be coming out, find room in your heart for Jesus. He will lead us through it.
👆That may sound ridiculous, but honestly, it’s the only answer I found. God and Jesus.
Whats happening in here patriots! Today was a good day! Georgia hearings were 🔥 🔥🔥
And I mean ridiculous in today’s day and age. We’ve been brainwashed into forgetting God. Or at least I was.
Dark forces have been hiding, lying in courts of heaven
Haha I’m good. But some people go through revelations at different times. Just trying to support them through it
Tough stuff. But take heart, we are ending it
That’s what this is all about
And we are winning....BIGLY
You know in the early 2000s when the merry christmas bans and drum beating started I remember being told at work to say “Happy Holidays” you are 💯 right about removing god and replacing it with government.
To quote our favorite president. “These people are sick”
Truly, Im a millennial and grew up in this new culture which is completely material. No spiritual nature or appreciation. I moved to California last year, what a crazy place. More like the City of Fallen Angels.
When COVID and BLM happened everyone around me was totally insane. I couldn’t believe it. But at the end of the day, I found God because of it all.
Mysterious ways
We have been being brainwashed for 30 years into thinking that we are weird or intolerant and its just a phrase here or a phrase there. I am 40 so 20 years pre tech and 20 post tech. The largest change to the population was the removal of god. Thats what killing off the older people was about. Not an accident they stuffed them in homes with a virus positive patients. They have been trying to remove god and replace it with tech, or green, or govt nothing works. Have you ever seen the movie the Book of Eli?