Message from @Austen
Discord ID: 520636121605210142
My cost of living is honestly not far off from 850.
I might be moving to PA in the hills
You can live in Kiev for $585
Attack the opioid epidemic
And become
Yeh but you have to live in Kiev
>live in a war zone
@Papa Pizzagate This cost of living estimator is definitely an overestimate if you're making an effort to live cheap
>for the low price of 600USD
The only think I could ostensibly cut down on is my internet bill. I pay like 25 per month for electric lol.
lol I'm not suggesting anyone move there
Must have gigabit
just thought it was interesting
Gigabit even in a shack
Yeah for real tho
I demand high speed.
I would rather be without running water than without internet lmao
My plan is to save up a bunch of moving and move to a low cost of living area
and then it won't matter if my job is shitty because the savings will prop me up until I find something better
I know a place I have my eye on in PA that has good ratios and 96% for 10k population
Victorian housing
honestly though with my education I probably won't have to work a shitty job
though I probably shouldn't jinx myself
Do unemployment rates mean anything for cities? If a city has a low unemployment rate, could that just be because all the unemployed people left?
Generally all the best towns for us, have no jobs besides food and the occasional antique store. Globalization man. That's why entrepreneurship is best and often times, these small towns will welcome stuff like that. Give you incentives and tax deductions
@Austen dm me
huh looks like some of these low cost of living cities actually have plenty of programmer jobs
apparently technology companies have offices in cheap areas too
crazy how nature do dat
Office space is crazy cheap in small towns
and yes generally IT jobs are in needs for the schools and public infrastructure
Also, with low cost of living, means a sustainable one person income which can support a family healthily.
That's the goal!
Hey gamers I made an edit of the yellow vests protests, give it a like a couple views to get it out
PewDiePie haha
Gotta support the cause @Sam Anderson