Message from @Evelyn S. ๐บ๐ธ
Discord ID: 731933089848098847
also on hate crimes i wonder if they should really be there i mean
they just slap "hate crime" on alot of things nowadays
dig into ur township laws for constitutionally passed laws...and for ur state as well
then look up all the non constitutionally created laws
I mean if they commit a crime like vandalize a shop, they should be charged equally
not if ones black or ones white decid on a longer or shorter sentance
Iโm in California. Iโll be reading a 22 part encyclopedia on my laws...
im sayin this in a way of the people who make these laws are seemingly more left leening in places like Cali, so, could there be bias there?
It would be longer than all the Harry Potter book times 9 to get through all the laws...
well the constitutional laws would be a short list compared to the admiralty laws list(laws/ordinances of bs)
some admiralty laws they/u might want to keep and transfer over to constitutional before full transfer to full constitutional only(voted on to keep)
theres a reason why states have their own sc well as all of usa having a national sc
they're for constitutional laws
and alot of times cases get thrown out when they're in sc case status....because they're unconstitutional cases
i think this is in the right channel im not sure
I think trump is gonna lose this election pure because of corruption from the left :/
Either way weโre screwed because the two options are: 1) Trump loses due to corruption and the dems get in power and 2) Trump wins and the left throws a bigger fit than they ever have before (believe me, itโs possible) and we have something way worse than these riots to deal with
Thereโs also the possibility of another civil war
Gosh, Iโm so glad my family moved to the country
some states will enter real civil war if voter corruption happens
but mostly to overthrow their dictatorship mayors and govs that they voted out of office but didn't get voted out
because of said corruption
voting them out of office is only 1 path of many of the process to remove the corrupt...recall is another..but u need grounds for removal such as abuses of civil rights/constitutional rights
most ppl only know of the voting them out of office option, they need to learn the recall option ..because it can be done in any non election yr at any time
dot gov petitions for recall is an open chance for change...
My God! The left is like a bunch of terrible two year olds!!
I'm amazed at how much they just keep coming at this man! I mean all four years back to back to back.
* Race Baiting and Virtue signaling with the beginning of his campaign and "The Wall"
* Accusations of Russian Collusion
* 3 year attempt at Impeachment for "Quid Pro Quo "
* Possible Biological warfare with Coronavirus to target his base of elderly conservatives compliments of China
* Meglomaniacial, diabolical scheme devised to cause upheaval and violence in a culture war of divide and conquer. Objectively meant to tear down our Police, Economy, and love of country!
***!Strategically placed palettes of bricks in our inner cities for the predominantly white ANTIFA to wreak havoc and tear down the small businesses of the antrepraneul middle class and make it look like BLM did it.
** I honestly don't believe BLM would've been this violent with the looting and vandalism if it wasn't for ANTIFA agging them on!!!
Yeah, no kidding.
Man... it would be kind of epic if BLM and Antifa evaporated out of existence. ๐ณ
I say that about democrats lol
So, I know that obviously Biden is more of a pedo than Trump would ever be, but is it true that trump is a pedo? I've seen photos of him getting a little too close to children. Am I just missing context, or does Trump really have pedophiliac tendencies? I've also heard Trump was acquainted with Epstein but I'm not sure how true that is either. If someone would clear this up for me, that would be great. Sorry if wrong channel.
What pics?
As long as he isn't making out with his granddaughter I'll be fine
Trump and Epstein were equated because they were big celebrities
very big celebrities
I haven't seen any evidence that shows any pedophilic behavior from Trump. In fact he banned Epstein from Mar-a-lago because Epstein assaulted a young girl at the club
how is that pedophilic tho
i don't see anything inappropriate whereas you see biden grabbing breasts