
Discord ID: 731932158381523055

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My God! The left is like a bunch of terrible two year olds!!
I'm amazed at how much they just keep coming at this man! I mean all four years back to back to back.
* Race Baiting and Virtue signaling with the beginning of his campaign and "The Wall"
* Accusations of Russian Collusion
* 3 year attempt at Impeachment for "Quid Pro Quo "
* Possible Biological warfare with Coronavirus to target his base of elderly conservatives compliments of China
* Meglomaniacial, diabolical scheme devised to cause upheaval and violence in a culture war of divide and conquer. Objectively meant to tear down our Police, Economy, and love of country!
***!Strategically placed palettes of bricks in our inner cities for the predominantly white ANTIFA to wreak havoc and tear down the small businesses of the antrepraneul middle class and make it look like BLM did it.
** I honestly don't believe BLM would've been this violent with the looting and vandalism if it wasn't for ANTIFA agging them on!!!

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