Discord ID: 540221371653947396
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Imagine having to waste your oxygen on a glorified tube. This post was made by Violin gang
I actually also play saxophone and Oboe so ya I blow hot air lol
Can someone explain this Wayfair scandal thing to me? I'm kinda out of the loop.
Who is the Punisher?
A bit different then most of the songs shared hear but this artist is really cool:
That is someone we need in our society
Too bad we wont due to Hillaries "suicides"
So, I know that obviously Biden is more of a pedo than Trump would ever be, but is it true that trump is a pedo? I've seen photos of him getting a little too close to children. Am I just missing context, or does Trump really have pedophiliac tendencies? I've also heard Trump was acquainted with Epstein but I'm not sure how true that is either. If someone would clear this up for me, that would be great. Sorry if wrong channel.
I dunno, just seems a tad creepy to me . I guess thats just because todays standards are different.
I wouldn't, I guess its more the way he does it. I just see people using this as an argument against trump often soo yea
Yea I understand that
@AnonRedI try not to be fooled by looking for proper evidence. I didn't think Trump was a pedo anyway, I just wanted an explanation
Not sure if the right channel but hear it is. I am looking for some evidence to use in arguments and stuff to back up my points. Do any of yall have proof that all BLM funding went to ActBlue? And evidence that Trump did increase black employment? I mean, with common sense, this is all easy stuff to realize, but Liberals lack common sense.
@Red Jasper Wait seriously? Thats crazy.
Liberals must be so dumb to donate without knowing where the donos are actually going.. Have you seen the Reddit AMA thread with the BLM manager?
Yea, ignorance is bliss to them because it makes them feel anti-racist
Anyways, on the Reddit AMA. Whenever the manager was asked where the Donos go, they either didnt reply or gave a vague answer.
It was refreshing to see alt-left users realize something was up
Then Reddit stepped in and deleted or hid most of those comments.
The thought police will be the end of this country if we arent careful
They are all soyboys after all 😉
Its sad the tactics the left uses against the right. I watched a debate between ABL and Destiny. Destiny yelled at ABL the whole time to get ABL to step back. ABL couldnt express his points the way he wanted because of that, and it made ABL look really foolish.
Destiny is a twitch soyboy who does a ton of debates, and wins a lot of them by just yelling and saying stupid things to his opponent.
The worst part is that whether Trump wins or not, the Left will keep causing destruction. If Trump is re elected, the Left will keep attacking him and the country. If Joe Biden wins, more foundation for Socialism is laid and the economy goes downhill
It pisses me off that the Left is so bent on making white people pay for slavery reparation's (Which is what the ABL vs. Destiny debate was about) when black people were slave traders and owners as well. Guess I am just ranting at this point
My friend uses Reddit and is slowly turning into a Liberal, how the heck do I stop him?
Seems legit<:KEK:726877368601411624>
The left cant meme channel is causing me to loose brain cells
I just mark it as read because its so bad and annoying
Oh yea lol, I'm not too familier with discord still, even after using it for a while
I did that thanks!
So some Reddit users are starting to get sick of the hivemind.
With many war games coming out what do you think the leftists are going to do when they have to start killing commies?
What are the best Pro-Mask and Anti-Mask arguments?
@HUNTER4639 Only problem is I don't think that would hold up well in a lot of arguments lol
No matter how true it may be
"Why dont you wear a mask?" "Well, you see, farts..."
Anyways, I'm thinking about buying Dr. Mikovits book against masks. It's common sense that masks are ridiculous, but the "Greater Good" seems to outmatch all logic.
I need some solid evidence against masks
I think that the votes may be closer than we think. I know a lot of conservatives who are considering voting for Biden just because they want this craziness to end. Obviously it wont stop since the Dems will just continue to make America worse. We will just trade out Rioting and Covid for socialism and a bigger government if Biden is elected. But people don't understand this since they live in fear.
Well thats exactly what I was saying
I don't think Biden remembers what the left is.
He is just a puppet
Biden just reads a script
My favorite was Biden sleeping and the reporter tried to wake him up for a good two minutes
Oh that was edited?
I don't remember the clip that well so I probably just forgot those
I was told stevia was a good sugar substitute but it just tastes like spicy sugar
I didn't ask for health advice I was just stating my experience with it
I don't use it lol
I just said it tastes like spicy sugar
Best thing is too just eat sugar in moderation. Caffeine is terrible no matter how much you consume.
A few years back I had a friend who was addicted to caffeine. His friends had pressured him into trying Mtn Dew and he can't get off the stuff now
My grandma is also addicted and she is as large as a house.
Wait whats wrong with sprite?
Sprite doesn't have caffeine
I'd say sprite is ok in like moderation. I probably only have it every three months. Its not addicting.
Yea I do too. most of my friends drink tap and it makes my want to puke. The stuff is nasty
If you live a bit farther out, the water isn't as bad. I have a friend who lives out in the country and his well water tastes great.
I would have preferred to live in ancient times when everything was clean. Didn't have to worry about dying from breathing air and drinking water.
Maybe I will become an Amish. Avoid technology, live a clean life, ignore politics.
Sounds like a good life
But is it better than listening to Biden spew S*** from his mouth?
Amish clearly are happier as well. Wouldn't have to spend so much on a therapist in order to get my life in order...
I went to an Amish restaurant once called Good n Plenty. They had some of the best foods I had ever tasted.
I finally beat the Dancer of the Boreal valley at level 30 after about 40 attempts. My first go at her was level 70. Now for SL1...
It was a thief class as well. Using Bandits Knife +1 and no Carthus rougue. That was one of the hardest boss fights I've ever done. Not reccomended lol
I just don't use reddit at all anymore really. Even gaming subs like BTD6 are full of Anti-Conservative propaganda
Umm quick question, what happened to #weebs?
Oh dang, F
That sucks. must've been because of the creepy images sometimes posted. Thats the problem with weebs, some are good, than others are just creepy.
Weebs is a loose term I think, some people think it means someone who watches anime, and other people think its those people with bodypillows and crap.
@DontBeAnIdgit Thats why we are talking about it
Why are there so many lib memes in the covid memes channel
What makes Trump better than Jo Jorgensen? serious question
Talking about Jo not Joe
So she sucks when it comes to immigration polices and abortion.
K thanks for the info
in the Trump Memes channel, there is a pic of trump kissing a young girl, is it real?
I'm losing brain cells watching the debate
Why did Pence not answer the question about the care act
Both of them are sidestepping questions
This debate is honestly pathetic
I went onto the Dark Souls Subreddit, and there was a meme bashing republicans. Seriously, do people enjoy nothing more than to make fun of Trump and his supporters?
I dont usually use reddit, but I would think I would be eble to go onto the Dark Souls sub without my political views getting attacked
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