Message from @Red Jasper

Discord ID: 757428486666322050

2020-09-20 03:01:31 UTC  

Dear democrats you sowed the wind back in 2013 and now you will reap what you have sown. When you resort to brass knuckle politics do not be surprised when the same rules you applied to others gets used on you

2020-09-20 03:17:39 UTC  


2020-09-20 03:18:07 UTC  


2020-09-20 07:53:27 UTC  

> "It was her last wish to not have her seat filled until a new president-..." This claim seems off to me. If she really wanted this, why wouldn't she make it known publicly?

2020-09-20 11:20:04 UTC  

those that interpret the dying tend to toss their own agendas into the details

2020-09-20 12:17:29 UTC  

I automatically view anyone who supports communism or socialism as incapable of critical thought, naïve, stupid and entitled. If these people cannot realise that such ideologies can only exist on paper then they're just incompetent individuals. There is a staggering wealth disparity between the upper class and middle class but socialism is not how you go about that unless you want a real life version of George Orwell's 1984.

2020-09-20 17:39:59 UTC  

Take if from Joe Biden. We need to fill the seat. Anyone remember this?

2020-09-20 22:01:22 UTC  

Wow can see this in a didnt age well 😂

2020-09-20 22:05:02 UTC  

using their own tools against them

2020-09-20 22:27:35 UTC  

Biggest one would be Barack Hussein.

2020-09-20 22:30:46 UTC  

u mean obama, he's already listed

2020-09-20 22:31:02 UTC  

this hits harder with biden saying it 4yrs ago

2020-09-20 22:31:12 UTC  

considering he's 'running for office' now

2020-09-20 22:57:49 UTC  

It does though.

2020-09-21 02:24:36 UTC  

Sooooo basically about 1/3 of people polled, chose economy, and are likely voting trump (unless there are people who actually think Biden would help the economy <a:headbang:647366343611383838> )
And a close second is covid, which could be anything from the people want lockdowns to end all the way to people wanting a nationwide mask mandate, so I’d say that’s 50/50
And then second to last we’ve got race relations which the left makes sound like it’s the most important and most cared about issue, I guess not to 89% of the people who were polled

Lol I know I’m over analyzing a YouTube PBS poll but hey why tf not

2020-09-21 02:27:44 UTC  

i vote we add a new selection - arresting all the insane left for making death threats upon everybody not like them

2020-09-21 02:27:46 UTC  

yeah... That's why i never vote on polls like this. lol

2020-09-21 02:28:54 UTC  

Remember, the silent majority was silent for a reason 😉

2020-09-21 02:30:03 UTC  

It's not that they were silent, it's just that the polls didn't address their issues. Can't just fit them all into one tiny poll.

2020-09-21 02:30:23 UTC  

And that's why Hillary was dancing.

2020-09-21 03:34:48 UTC  

I have been having a hard time finding actual studies proving human involvement in recent climate change. My buddy is kind of a libtard on most political issues but he presented a decent argument I guess. I told him, let’s just say humans are involved in climate change for the sake of the argument, is it very urgent that we have to change and waste a massive amount of money to make that change possible(we are referring to the green new deal which plans to eliminate the need for oil and gas within 10 years) because it said the earth has only risen on average 1.8 degrees world wide since 1950... I said we only have 90 years of gas left, can be just slowly transition out of oil and gas as electric cars tech becomes more affordable and efficient than gas, which would lead people to switch regardless. His counter argument was 1.8 degrees is a really big deal, he then said if you don’t think 1.8 degrees is a big deal, how much different does 74 degrees feel in your house vs 72 degrees. I was like damn you got a point, 74 feels like I’m burning in hell and 72 is nice and chilly in comparison. I’m not a scientist and this topic seems to have a massive amount of miss information but we live in Miami and he’s worried about Miami going under water in the near future

2020-09-21 03:48:54 UTC  

@Odb You'll most likely find science that shows the earth has its natural cycles of climate change regardless of human involvement because that's just the way that nature goes. Climate change occurs in a matter of decades. Also, the Green New Deal is ass. Solar and wind turbines cause a lot of harm to birds. They cause the death of birds to the hundreds of thousands a year. Solar plants are like laser beams to the sky. And these birds help pollonate the earth responsible for the growth of trees and plants. Also, the fires burning in California are necessary. Burning the shrubbery allows for the land to refertilize and allows for new plants to grow and it keeps weeds out from killing off the necessary trees and plants that need to grow. The fires burning in California are usually deliberate and controlled. Governor Newsom has a stupid agenda however.

2020-09-21 03:50:02 UTC  

Get a book to teach you archaeological dating or geology.

2020-09-21 03:53:15 UTC  

@Red Jasper yeah I presented him with that information. He’s extremely stubborn like most liberals. Unless I present him with hard data he won’t believe me. Except he can’t present me with any data proving that humans are the cause of climate change. So we are stuck in this stale mate

2020-09-21 03:54:03 UTC  

Yeah he probably doesn't have the hard evidence. I was an archaeologist years ago, so I speak from my own experience and research.

2020-09-21 03:54:07 UTC  

But still

2020-09-21 03:54:11 UTC  

these assholes are relentless.

2020-09-21 03:54:17 UTC  

and I don't want to pull out my data.

2020-09-21 03:54:27 UTC  

They're not my university

2020-09-21 03:54:31 UTC  

i won't get a degree from them

2020-09-21 03:54:45 UTC  

we just have to choose our battles when it comes to people.

2020-09-21 03:54:54 UTC  

because they're just there to tear you down.

2020-09-21 03:55:38 UTC  

I am not denying climate change is happening but my main point is the green new deal is crap. We’re going to have to make changes regardless within the next 100 years because we are running out of natural resources, so I was just saying some solid evidence would need to be presented if you want 7 billion people to dramatically Change the way they live

2020-09-21 03:56:51 UTC  

Even if we change, I don’t think India and China will, and they make up half the world’s population

2020-09-21 03:56:55 UTC  

@Odb oh no I can't stand the way they try to present climate change like it's this new phenomena that never occurs. I get where you're coming from. But if these people understood that climate change always happens, they'll realize it's no big deal.

2020-09-21 03:57:33 UTC  

@Odb nah... we just have to start engaging in asteroid mining... That's our solution. lol

2020-09-21 03:57:59 UTC  

That's why we started the Space Force

2020-09-21 03:58:04 UTC  

@Red Jasper yeah their argument is that climate change has been proven to be happening at double the rate it normally does. But where is the conclusive data

2020-09-21 03:58:41 UTC  


2020-09-21 03:58:42 UTC  
