ray liotta private select

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I just got both a trump and Obama ad on a zed video


Oh lord...


Discord has been eaten by the mob

Imma change from dark mode to light mode

Cuz of this

Oh shit light mode sucks

But leftists suck more

Me neither

I know nothing about guns other than how powerful they are
But I want to know and I want to own one

I’m not about war and people fighting when we can prevent it, but some times I just wish there was something big enough to bring us together but minor enough so no one dies... it just seems the time of the most national pride is when there’s a war and notice the lowest patriotism level occurs when we haven’t been in any major wars?
The noticeable social effect of 9/11, the most recent country-unifying wore off by the 2010s which is when this communism crud started getting out of hand

Idk what we can do

But then I start to wonder if it’s too far past that point

Like, everyone was unified around George Floyd

Until they brought in BLM

Again not that I want a war but the only thing I could see having an effect is a draft

Because then everyone would kinda have to support us unless they want their kids to die...
Pretty drastic tho

It’s hard to even see that

Covid was made political
George Floyd was made political
Everything trump says is made political

The real reason is because it’s past his bed time and he has to take his pills in the middle of it

1. 18
2. Libertarian on most issues
3. Trumpist
4. Freedom lounge discord server

its a fake story

would it though? i made it up

its not like its a real article

Even though hunter has become more left-leaning lately, this old vid of his kills me every time cuz of its accuracy https://youtu.be/YOccTrm0yEQ


*entered an SUV*

What a load of crap

Ok Is the Biden bear a real thing or just a joke made by the right

The fact that I genuinely can’t tell says it all

I just don’t get how people can still unitonically watch/ read cnn, msdnc, or and of the leftist media

Looks like someone’s projecting


I thought they were gonna talk about why riots don’t do anything
Instead they talk about climate change
I guess burning buildings is good for the environment...


Who else is watching trump

On a political server

Politics should be expected

Where can I see the whole cardi b Candice Owens fight
I’ve been living under a rock all week and wanna see it

Most vids I get are edited

Burned my mail in ballot application today

I’m so proud

Trump and George right now are proof Biden can be in person with him for the debate

> Anybody watching the Crowder livestream?
@Froski I like watching the actual event then I watch it after

I’m a bad account <:KEK:726877368601411624>

Is that u in your pfp

You’re handsome

For both

This shouldn’t happen and what the arsehole did was wrong. But why is this story any more important than a cop getting a Molotov cocktail, rocks, water bottles, bricks, etc thrown at them all while being shouted at “ACAB” or “LET THEM DIE” etc.
I’m so Sick of the media only showing stories that support their narrative

I’m assuming everyone heard about RBG

I was in another server and the ppl were celebrating and I was actually like wtf man

I still don’t think anyone should celebrate someone’s death...

I really don’t care what side someone’s on asking as it’s not someone from isis or whatever, death is sad

I said that for years

87 I think

Don’t quote me

One thing I respected about her was her determination, she literally stayed on until death just to prevent trump from getting a another Supreme Court judge

> The question is, do the Republicans get a pick, or do gjdu wait?
@KumquatLord they’re going to stall the pick until November 3rd

I guess even if trump loses, RBG gave trump the best gift, another SC judge

Biden reading from a. Script again

Hey guys I wanna hear what you think, do you think RBGs passing will help or hinder trumps reelection?

Cuz I’m not sure I’ve heard both things and wanna hear what other people think

I just feel like cheering about an opposing political figures death is something the left does and I try not to act like those idiots

Bless RBG for dying when she did, by doing this she will have saved MILLIONS of unborn babies, because now if trump and McConnell work fast enough, ROE v WADE will be done!!!!

I can’t wait for Monday <a:aPES3_Popcorn:742668010203906099>


Not even just normal rape, literal molestation

It’s Bad enough when it’s adults

> all im sayin is, why does the sex matter, so it could just be a jab at lefites, im guessing its that
@AMERICANFREEDOM [CEO OF FREEDOM] probably so it’d be harder to make false rape allegations, and so the left doesn’t say “TrUmP rEpLacEs wOmaN jUsTicE wItH a MaN! SEXISM!!!!”

Does anyone think moderate dems in contested races will also choose to sit this out?

Why is it just contested republicans

Didn’t really mean moderate, I should’ve said senators from purple districts

If the dems in purple, or right leaning districts reelection is on the line, do you think they’ll sit this vote out?

I have hope for Minnesota

Don’t cha know? He has pre written discord messages

> I'm in lower NY, I see a lot of Trump signs, which is pretty promising
@Mongoloid I’m in the suburbs of Boston and I see huge trump gatherings all over the place, on top of atleast 50 trump signs in a 10 mile radius

Sleepy joes only got like 3 signs


There were Hillary signs EVERYWHERE in 2016

Never saw a trump sign in 2016

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